Pwy a'm dwg i'r ddinas gadarn?

Pwy a'm dwg i'r ddinas gadarn,
  Lle mae Duw'n arlwyo gwledd,
Lle mae'r awel yn sancteiddrwydd,
  Lle mae'r llwybrau oll yn hedd?
    Hyfryd fore
  Y caf rodio'i phalmant aur.

Pwy a'm dwg i'r ddinas gadarn,
  Lle mae pawb yn llon eu cân,
Neb yn flin ar fin afonydd
  Y breswylfa lonydd, lân?
    Gwaith a gorffwys
  Bellach wedi mynd yn un.

Pwy a'm dwg i'r ddinas gadarn,
  Lle caf nerth i fythol fyw
Yng nghartrefle'r pererinion,
  Hen dreftadaeth teulu Duw?
    O na welwn
  Dyrau gwych y ddinas bell.

Iesu a'm dwg i'r ddinas gadarn,
  Derfydd crwydro'r anial maith,
Canu wnaf y gainc anorffen
  Am fy nwyn i ben fy nhaith;
  Ydyw ei magwyrydd hi.
J G Moelwyn Hughes (Moelwyn) 1866-1944

    Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1921)
    Brynaber (D Vaughan Thomas 1873-1934)
    Cwmafon (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
    Deemster (William Owen 1813-1893)
    Tyddyn Llwyn (Evan Morgan (Llew Madog) 1846-1920)

Who will bring me to the secure city,
  Where God is providing a feast,
Where the breeze is holiness,
  Where the paths are all peace?
    Delightful morning
  I will get to walk the golden pavement.

Who will bring me to the secure city,
  Where everyone is of cheerful song,
No-one exhausted on the edge of rivers
  Of the peaceful, holy dwelling?
    Work and rest
  Henceforth have become one.

Who will bring me to the secure city,
  Where I will get strength to live forever
In the home of the pilgrims,
  The old heritage of God's family?
    Oh that I may see
  The brilliant doors of the distant city!

Jesus will bring me to the secure city,
  Wandering the vast desert will pass away,
Sing I shall the unending strain
  About my being brought to my destination;
  Is its walls.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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