Pwy a ddatgan y gorfoledd, pwy a ddichon ddodi ma's Y llawenydd sy'n y nefoedd, eni 'tifedd nefol ras? Y Tad yn rhedeg i'w gyfarfod, cusanu ffrwyth ei gariad rhad, Y Mab yn enyn o lawenydd, derbyn un o werth ei wa'd. 'R Ysbryd sanctaidd sydd yn hoffi, 'r enaid hwnw ffurfiodd Ef, Cān seraphiad ac angelion, ynghyd ā holl gwmpeini'r nef. Yr afradlon yn dychwelyd, o mor hoff, mor hyfryd yw! Y colledig yn gadwedig, trwy rinwedd gras a gallu Duw. Rhyfedd ras a rhyfedd gariad! gwneuthur enaid marw'n fyw, Rhyfedd ffordd a rhyfedd drefniad, I olchi'r lleiddiaid dua'u lliw. Yr afradlon yn dychwelyd, o mor hoff, mor hyfryd yw! Y colledig yn gadwedig, trwy rinwedd gras a gallu Duw.efel. John Hughes 1776-1843 Diferion y Cysegr 1802 [Mesur: 8787D] |
Who will express the jubilation, who can set forth The joy which there is in heaven, the birth of an heir of heavenly grace? The Father running to meet him, kissing the fruit of his free love, The Son kindling with joy, accepting one from the worth of his blood. The Holy Spirit which is delighting that soul which He formed, The song of seraphs and angels, together with all the company of heaven. The prodigal returning, O how lovely, how delightful it is! The lost found, through the merit of the grace and power of God. Wonderful grace and wonderful love! making the dead soul alive, A wonderful way and a wonderful scheme, to wash the murderers of blackest colour. The prodigal returning, O how lovely, how delightful it is! The lost found, through the merit of the grace and power of 2016 Richard B Gillion |
Who can describe the joys that rise Through all the courts of paradise, To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory born? With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of his eternal love; The Son with joy looks down and sees The purchase of his agonies. The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul he form'd anew; And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of their King.Isaac Watts 1674-1748
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