Pwy ddamnia bobl Dduw?

(Pwy yw'r hwn sydd yn damnio?)
  Pwy ddamnia bobl Dduw?
    Sydd ynddo'n byw bob awr?
  Mae bywyd pawb o'i blant,
    Yn meddiant Iesu mawr:
Crist a fu farw drostynt hwy:
'Does dim, na môdd,
       a'u damnia mwy.

  'Nol marw dros eu bai,
    Fe adgyfodai'n fyw;
  Mae'n eiriol drostynt draw,
    Ar dêg ddeheulaw Duw;
Ac yno mae eu Meichau mwy:
'Does neb a hawl,
      i'w damnio hwy.

  Nid uchder pŵer pell,
    Na dyfnder dichell dwys,
  A dyr hen rwymyn da
    Y caria pura' pwys,
Sef cariad nefol, dwyfol dân,
Wnaeth Duw â hwynt,
      - mae'n ddiwahan.
William Williams 1717-91
Golwg ar Deyrnas Crist

[Mesur: 666688]

(Who is he who condemns?)
  Who shall condemn the people of God,
    Who are living in him every hour?
  The life of all of his children is
    Belonging to great Jesus:
Christ it was who died for them:
There is no thing nor means,
      that shall condemn them any more.

  After dying for their fault,
    He rose again alive;
  He is interceding for them yonder,
    At the fair right hand of God;
And there is their Surety evermore:
There is no-one with a right
      to condemn them.

  Not the height of distant power,
    Nor the depth of intense guile,
  Shall break the good old bond
    The love of purest weight,
That is heavenly love, divine fire,
That God made with them, -
      they are inseparable.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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