Pwy draetha'r fath lawenydd sy?

Who can describe the joys that rise?

1,2,3,(4);  1,2,3,5;  1,2,3,6.
(Edifeirwch un pechadur yn peri llawenydd yn y nef'.
Luc 15. 7,10.)
Pwy draetha'r fath lawenydd sy
Trwy holl gynteddau'r nefoedd fry;
  Pan ddel afradlawn tua thref,
  Pan aner un etifedd nef?

Boddloni'n llawen mae y Tad,
Wrth weled ffrwyth ei gariad rhad:
  Edrycha'r Mab yn llon i lawr,
  Ar bwrcas ei ddyoddefaint mawr.

A hoffi gwel'd mae Ysbryd Duw
Yr enaid marw wnaeth E'n fyw;
  A seintiau ac angelion glān,
  Am gynnydd teyrnas
      Duw a gān.

Mae Duw yn edrych lawr o'r nef,
Ar rai tylodion gwan eu llef;
  I wrando cwyn ei blant bob pryd,
  Nes delont adre'n iach i gyd.

Pan geir y defaid crwydrol oll,
A'r darnau arian fu ar goll,
  Prin dichon Salem, er ei maint,
  Ddal mawl
      angylion pur a saint.

I Dad y trugareddau i gyd,
Rhown foliant,
    holl drigolion byd;
  Llu'r nef, molienwch Ef ar gan,
  Y Tad, a'r Mab,
      a'r Ysbryd Glan.
gynnydd teyrnas Duw a :: waith ei ras ddyrchafant

1-3: cyf. Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808
4 : Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840
5 : Llawlyfr Moliant 1880
6 : cyf.
Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Boston (Lowell Mason 1782-1872)
Constance (Claude Goudimel 1510-72)
Cromer (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Eisenach (Johann Hermann Schein 1586-1630)
Portugal(Thomas Thorley)
Savoy (<1829)
  Smyrna (hen Ladin)
Winchester (B Crasselius 1667-1724)

(The repentance of one sinner causing joy in heaven.
Lk 15:7,10.)
Who will expound the kind of joy there is
Throughout all the courts of heaven above;
  When a prodigal comes towards home,
  When an heir of heaven is born?

Satisfied joyfully is the Father,
On seeing the fruit of his free love:
  The Son looks cheerfully down,
  On the purpose of his great suffering.

And delighting to see is the Spirit of God
The dead soul He made alive;
  With saints and holy angels,
  Wanting to advance the kingdom
      of God with a song.

God is looking down from heaven,
Upon the poor ones with a weak voice;
  To listen to the complaint
      of his children every time.

When all the wandering sheep are got,
And the pieces of silver that were lost,
  Hardly can Salem, despite her vastness,
  Hold the praise
      of pure angels and saints.

To the God of all the mercies,
Let us give praise,
    all the world's inhabitants;
  The host of heaven, extol Him in song,
  The Father, and the Son,
      and the Holy Spirit.
Wanting to advance the kingdom of God with :: For the work of his grace raise

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

(Backslider Returned)
Who can describe the joys that rise
Through all the courts of Paradise,
  To see a prodigal return,
  To see an heir of glory born?

With joy the Father doth approve
The fruit of his eternal love;
  The Son with joy looks down and sees
  The purchase of his agonies.

The Spirit takes delight to view
The holy soul He formed anew;
  And saints and angels join to sing
  The growing empire
      of their King.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him,
    all creatures here below!
  Praise Him above, ye heavenly host!
  Praise Father, Son,
      and Holy Ghost.

1-3: Isaac Watts 1674-1748
6 : Thomas Ken 1637-1711

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Effingham (The Sacred Harp or Eclectic Harmony 1835)
Stanfield (The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book 1859)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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