Pwy Dywysog - beth yw'r cerbyd?

(Dat. 19. Priodas yr Oen - Rhan I)
Pwy Dywysog - beth yw'r cerbyd?
  Welir draw
      uwch ser y nen,
A hardd osgordd ar feirch gwynion,
  Llawer coron sy' ar ei ben!
    Brenin ydyw,
  Dacw'i enw ar ei wisg.

Treiddia'i olwg drwy'r gre'digaeth,
  Fel fflam dân ei lygaid sy':
Pwy yw Hwn - ond Priod Seion,
  Gwena'n dirion arni hi:
    Hawdd ei 'nabod,
  Wrth ei wisg sydd goch o waed.

Pwy yw'r hardd briodferch welir
  Draw yn d'od trwy
      byrth y bedd?
Gwrida'r wawr,
    er maint ei harddwch,
  O flaen tegwch hoff ei gwedd!
    Seion ydyw,
  Yn ei gwisg o liain main.
John Roberts 1753-1834

[Mesur: 878747]

gwelir: Rhan II - Pwy yw'r hardd briodferch welir

(Rev. 19 - The Marriage of the Lamb - Part 1)
Who the Prince - what is the chariot
  To be seen yonder
      above the stars of heaven,
With a beautiful escort upon white mares,
  Many a crown being on his head?
    A King he is,
  Yonder is his name on his clothing.

His sight pierces through the creation,
  Like a flame of fire his eyes are:
Who is He - but the bridegroom of Zion,
  Smiling tenderly upon her:
    Easy to recognize him,
  By his clothing which is red with blood.

Who is the beautiful bride to be seen
  Yonder coming through
      the gates of the grave?
Making the dwawn blush,
    despite the extent of its beauty,
  Before the lovely fairness of his face!
    Zion it is,
  In her clothing of fine linen.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Who the Prince? - and what the chariot

tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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