Pwy gaiff ganu os nad plant bychain? Pwy gaiff ganmol Iesu mwyn? Iesu Grist a ddaeth i'w cadw, Do, bu farw er eu mwyn: Caiff: fe gaiff pant bychain ganu Yma'n llafar iawn eu llef; A chânt uno byth heb dewi Yn yr anthem yn y nef. Mae myrddiynau o blant bychain Yn y dyrfa nefol draw, Yn eu gynau gwynion, goleu, A thelynau yn eu llaw: Hyfryd iawn yw nef y nefoedd Gan beroriaeth y rhai hyn; Plant y ddaear sydd i chwareu Tannau pêr Calfaria fryn. Caru'r plant yr oedd yr Iesu, Peraidd iddo oedd eu sain; Mae ei gariad yn y nefoedd Fel y moroedd at y rhai'n: Dowch, nid ydyw yn rhy foreu I blant bychain ganu ei glod; - Dowch, ac eiliwch Haleliwia I'r Hwn a'ch carodd cyn eich bod.Perorydd yr Ysgol Sul 1915
Tôn [8787D]: Pwy sydd i ganu (alaw Americanaidd) |
Who shall get to sing if not little children? Who shall get to praise gentle Jesus? Jesus Christ who came to save us, Yes, he died for their sake: They shall: little children shall get to sing Here with their loud voices; And they may unite forever without being silent In the anthem in heaven. Their are myriads of little children In the heavenly throng yonder, In their bright, white gowns, And with harps in their hand: Very delightful is the heaven of heavens Through the sweetness of these ones; 'Tis children of the earth who are to play The sweet strings of Calvary hill. Loving the children was Jesus, Sweet to him was their sound; His love in heaven is Like the seas towards them: Come ye, it is not too early For little children to sing his praise; - Come ye, and repeat ye Hallelujah To Him who loved you before you 2019 Richard B Gillion |