Pwy sydd o fewn y nef yn byw?

Pwy sydd o fewn y nef yn byw?
Yng nghwmni Iesu Grist a Duw?
  Myrdd o angylion glân a saint,
  Mor ogoneddus yw eu braint,
  Mewn gwynfyd pur
      heb ofni haint.

    Ar aur delyn seinia'r dyrfa
    Anthem ddwyfol pen Calfaria
    Dyblant eilwaith Haleliwia.

Oes torf o blant
    tu fewn i'r llen?
Yn canu yn y nefoedd wen?
  Y plant sydd yma'n
      ucha'u llef
  Yn canu'r anthem "Iddo Ef,"
  Can's eiddynt hwy yw teyrnas nef.

Oes yn y nefoedd rai yn drist,
O amgylch gorsedd Iesu Grist?
  'Does ond llawenydd pur a chân
  Yn llenwi'r dyrfa ddi-wahân,
  Dan d'wyniad
      wyneb Iesu glân.

Beth yw'r rhyfeddod mwyaf sy
Yng ngolwg hyfryd Iesu cu?
  Mae ôl yr hoelion gynt a wnaed,
  Mor amlwg yn Ei ddwylo a'i draed,
  Yn tanio'r anthem am y gwaed.

Pa bryd cawn ninnau, blant y llawr,
Fynd adref i'r gogoniant mawr?
  Wel, gweithiwn dros yr Iesu i gyd
  A rhoddwn arno Ef ein bryd,
  Ac yn y nef cawn
      gwrdd ynghyd.
Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tôn [88.888+888]: (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

Who is living in heaven?
In the company of Jesus Christ and God?
  A myriad of holy angels and saints,
  How glorious is their privilege,
  In pure blessedness
      without fearing disease.

    On golden harp the throng sound
    The divine anthem of Calvary's summit
    The double a second time Hallelujah.

Is there a crowd of children
    within the curtain?
Singing in the bright heavens?
  The children who are here with
      their loud cry
  Are singing the anthem "Unto Him,"
  Since theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Are there are who are sad in the heavens,
Around the throne of Jesus Christ?
  There is only pure joy and song
  Filling the undivided throng,
  Under the radiance of
      the face of holy Jesus.

What is the great wonder there is
In the delightful face of dear Jesus?
  The marks of the nails he once got are
  So visible in his hands and his feet,
  Kindling the anthem about the blood.

When may we, the children of earth, get
To go home to the great glory?
  See, let us all work for Jesus
  And let us set our minds upon Him.,
  And in heaven we shall get
      to meet together.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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