Pwy yw'r seraffiaid annwyl hyn?

(Dydd Gwyl y Gwirioniaid)
Pwy yw'r seraffiaid annwyl hyn
  Ar uchel fryn Caersalem?
Merthyron bychain, tyrfa lān
  O draws gyflafan Bethle'm.

Henffych, fabanod, mawr eich braint,
  Disgleiriaf saint goleuni,
Ernes y'ch gwnaed,
    a blaeffrwyth cu
  Ardderchog lu'r merthyri.

Bedyddiwyd chwi yn dorf ynghyd
  Ym medydd gwaedlyd Iesu;
Yfed yn helaeth fu eich rhan
  O'i gwpan coch wrth drengi.
Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

(The Feast of the Holy Innocents)
Who are these beloved seraphim
  On the high hill of Jerusalem?
Little martyrs, a holy throng
  From across the massacre of Bethlehem.

Hail, infants, great your privilege,
  The most radiant saints of light,
An earnest ye were made,
    and dear first-fruits
  Of the exceptional host of the martyrs.

Ye were baptised as a crowd together
  In the bloody baptism of Jesus;
To drink plenteously was your portion
  From his red cup while dying.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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