Pwy yw'r hardd Briodferch welir

(Dat. 19. Priodas yr Oen - Rhan II)
Pwy yw'r hardd Briodferch welir
  Draw yn dod drwy
      byrth y bedd?
Gwridia'r wawr,
    er maint ei harddwch,
  O flaen tegwch hoff ei gwedd!
    Sion ydyw,
  Yn ei gwisg o liain main.

'Sgubed engyl bob rhyw frychau
  Oddiar lwybrau ser y ne',
Gwisged natur ei holl addurn,
  Pob blodeuyn fo'n ei le:
    Bloeddied ganu,
  Dyma ddydd dyweddi'r Oen.
John Roberts 1753-1834

[Mesur: 878747]

gwelir: Rhan I: Pwy Dywysog - beth yw'r cerbyd?

(Rev. 19 - The Marriage of the Lamb - Part 2)
Who is the beautiful bride to be seen
  Yonder coming through
    the gates of the grave?
Making the dwawn blush,
    despite the extent of its beauty,
  Before the lovely fairness of his face!
    Zion it is,
  In her clothing of fine linen.

Let the angels sweep every kind of spot
  Off the paths of the stars of heaven,
Let nature wear all her adornments,
  Every flower be in its place:
    Let them shout singing,
  Here is the day of the Lamb's betrothed.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Who is this fair Bride approaching

tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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