Pwy yw'r rhain fel sêr y nefoedd

Who are these like stars appearing?

(Yr Holl Saint)
Pwy yw'r rhain, fel sêr y nefoedd,
  Sydd gerbron gorseddfainc Duw,
Mewn ardderchog euraid wisgoedd,
  Yn cydseinio clodydd gwiw?
  Yw eu gorfoleddus gân.

Dyma'r rhai a ddaethant allan
  Trwy y byd,
        o'r cystudd mawr;
Gwae a gofid fu eu cyfran,
  Cyn cael gwynfyd
      uwch y llawr;
    Ond fe'u golchwyd
  Oll yn lân yng ngwaed yr Oen.

Arglwydd cynorthwya ninnau
  Mwy i ddilyn ôl eu traed,
Nes in gyrraedd, gyda'th seintiau,
  Wir ddedwyddwch trwy dy waed;
    Yno canwn
  Mewn gorfoledd gyda hwy.
cyf. Evan Pughe 1806-69

Tôn [878747]: Regent Square (Henry Smart 1813-79)

(All Saints)
Who are those, like the stars of heaven,
  Are before the throne of God,
In excellent golden garments,
  Sounding together worthy praises?
  Is their jubilant song.

Here are those who came out
  Through the world,
        from the great tribulation;
Woe and grief were their portion,
  Before getting blessedness
        above the earth;
    But they were all
  Washed clean in the blood of the Lamb.

Lord, help us
  Evermore to follow thy footprints,
Until we reach, with thy saints,
  True happiness through thy blood;
    There we shall sing
  In jubilation with them.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Who are these like stars appearing,
  These before God's throne who stand?
Each a golden crown is wearing;
  Who are all this glorious band?
Alleluia! Hark, they sing,
Praising loud their heav'nly King.

These are they who have contended
  For their Saviour's
        honour long,
Wrestling on 'til life was ended,
  Foll'wing not the
        sinful throng;
These, who well the fight sustained,
Triumph thro' the Lamb have gained.

With the just, who thee resemble,
  Let, O Lord, my lot be cast;
Far from all that makes me tremble,
  Let thy faithful child at last
Make thy pledged reward his own,
Ever dwelling near thy throne.
tr. Frances Elizabeth Cox 1812-97

from the German
Wer sind die for Gottes Throne?

1719 Heinrich Theobald Schenk (-1727)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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