'R hwn sy'n rhoddi had i'r hauwr

(Crist yn dioddef)
'R hwn sy'n rhoddi had i'r hauwr,
  I orchuddio'r maes âg ŷd,
Gan roi bara i'r bwytaŵr,
  Fu'n newynog yn y byd:
  Ef o'i wirfodd yn ein lle.

Awdwr y ffynnhonnau dyfroedd
  Fu'n dioddef syched mawr;
Lluniwr gorffwysfannau'r nefoedd
  Fu heb le i roi'i ben i lawr:
  Ef o'i wirfodd yn ein lle.

Fe erlidiodd dynion creulon
  Fendigedig Fab y nef;
Ai gelynion yn gyfeillion,
  Fel y caent ei ddrygu ef:
  Ef o'i wirfodd yn ein le.
John Ceulanydd Williams (Ceulanydd) ?1847-99

Tonau [878747]:
Alma (S Webbe 1740-1816)
Sicily (alaw Italaidd)

(Christ suffering)
He who gives seed to the sower,
  To cover the field with corn,
Giving bread to the eater,
  Was starving in the world:
    He suffered
  Voluntarily in our place.

The author of the springs of water
  Suffered great thirst;
The designer of the resting-places of heaven
  Was without anywhere to lay down his head:
    He suffered
  Voluntarily in our place.

Although cruel men persecuted
  The blessed Son of heaven;
Enemies would become friends,
  Thus they could do evil to him:
    He suffered
  Voluntarily in our place.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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