'Roedd yn y wlad honno fugeiliaid yn gwylio Eu praidd rhag eu llarpio'r un lle; Daeth angel yr Arglwydd mewn didwyll fodd dedwydd I draethu iddynt newydd o'r ne', Gan hyddysg gyhoeddi fod Crist wedi'i eni, Mawr ydyw daioni Duw Iôr; Bugeiliaid pan aethon' i Fethlem dre' dirion Hwy gawson' Un cyfion mewn côr: Mab Duw tragwyddoldeb yn gorwedd mewn preseb Tri'n undeb mewn purdeb heb ball, Cydganwn ogoniant yn felys ei foliant, Fe'n tynnodd o feddiant y fall. Ni chafodd Mair burwen o amgylch ei bachgen Na rhwymyn, na gwlanen yn glyd, Na pherlau, na pharlwr, na seigiau, na siwgwr, I Brynwr a Barnwr y byd. Hi roes am yr Iesu gadachau i'w g'nesu, A'r preseb yn wely'n ddi-wad, O gwelwch Mair ffyddlon mor isel, mor raslon Yn magu'n dra thirion ei thad; Rhoes laeth i famaetha ei Brenin o'i bronnau, A'i drin ar ei gliniau drwy glod; O'i chroth yr esgorodd, o'i dwyfron y porthodd 'R hwn ydoedd cyn bydoedd yn bod. Fe wybu'r sarff wrthun 'r ysigid ei cholyn Pan anwyd anwylddyn y ne', A'r ddraig a ddechreua ryw filain ryfela, Ei harfau'n rhai llyma'n mhob lle: Rhoed diafol yng nghalon yr hen Herod greulon I ladd y Mab ffyddlon heb ffael, Ond Mair gyda'i phlentyn i'r Aifft aeth yn sydyn Lle methodd y gelyn ei gael: Ca'dd bechgyn bach Jwda eu lladd yn glanedda' Wrth geisio cael difa Mab Duw, Er cymaint o'r bechgyn a laddodd y brenin Mae Crist gyda'i fyddin yn fyw. Ei erlid a'i gablu a'i ddirfawr ddiystyru A gafodd ein Iesu yma o hyd, Rhyw dlodion o ddynion oedd felly ei gyfeillion Nid mawrion na beilchion y byd; Mae fe eto'r un moddion trwy ryfedd ymadroddion Ymhlith y rhai gwaelion i'w gael: I'r cloffion a'r deillion, byddarion a mudion, Mae'n feddyg da ffyddlon heb ffael, Mae'n Frenin trugarog, mae'n porthi'r newynog, Mae'n galw rhai llwythog 'n un llu: I'r gwan mae'n Frawd ffyddlon, mae'n Dad i'r afradlon; Fe'u derbyn yn dirion i'w dŷ. Mae Crist yn wir briod i'r Eglwys, Oen eurglod, Ceir canfod rhyw ddiwrnod a ddaw; Fe fyn ei ddyweddi yn bur wedi ei golchi Heb arni na brychni na braw: Sain utgorn uchelder a glywir ar fyrder A'r meirw o bob dyfnder yn dod, A'r bachgen bach Iesu, oedd Mair yn ei fagu Fydd eto yn ein barnu ni'n bod; Pan fo'n byd yn llosgi a'r moroedd yn berwi Pob defnydd yn toddi mewn tân, Bydd holl blant yr Arglwydd yng Nghaersalem newydd Lle y pery'n dragwyddol eu cân. Arch Noah pan ydoedd uwchlaw y mynyddoedd Ni chadwodd o'r dyfroedd ond wyth, Crist ydyw'r arch nerthol rhag dilyw tragwyddol Bydd bywiol a llesol y llwyth; Pob enaid nas daethon' i'r arch at No' ffyddlon Boddason' o fawrion i fân: Pob enaid nas gwelir yng Nghrist yr arch cywir Mae'n bur wir y llosgir yn lân: Fe lysg yr annuwiol mewn ffwrnais uffernol Lle bydd yn dragwyddol eu gwae, Mewn carchar diddiwedd holl ddrysau trugaredd Yn caffael o'u cyrraedd, eu cau. At Grist a'i bur gariad mae heddiw wahoddiad: Mae lle i bechaduriaid gael dod, I'r farn rhaid ein galw, gwell Crist y dydd hwnnw Nag aur wedi ei gadw mewn cod; Ffown, ffown i'r 'mddiffynfa fel Lot a Sodoma, Rhag caffael ein difa'r un dydd; O'r Aifft gwell ymado er cael ein gw'radwyddo Na boddi fel Pharo ddi-ffydd, Gwell myned i'r bywyd fel Laz'rus o'i adfyd Oedd rywbryd yn nychlyd ei nyth Na Deifas o'i fawrfri yn gorfod bod wedi A'r fflamau'n ei boeni fe byth. Nac ofnwch, blant Seion, fe welir duwiolion A'u gynau'n dra gwynion i gyd, Yn lân wedi'u cannu yng ngwerthfawr waed Iesu, Er maint fu i'w baeddu'n y byd; Yn rhyddion o'u cystudd yn canmol eu Harglwydd, Yn cario hardd balmwydd bob un Mewn teyrnas uwch daear, fel haul yn dra hawddgar, Heb garchar na galar na gwŷn: A'r bachgen bach Iesu fydd testun y canu, Fu'n gwaedu i'n prynu ar y pren; Yn ffyddlon gantorion, o nifer plant Seion, Bôm ninnau'r un moddion, Amen.John Richards (Siôn Ebrill) 1745-1836
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There were in that land shepherds watching Their flock against their being mauled in the same place; The angel of the Lord in sincere happy pleasure To expound to them news from heaven, Skilfully publishing that Christ had been born, Great is the goodness of the Lord God; Shepherds when they went to gentle Bethlehem town They found the Righteous One in a stall: The Son of the God of eternity lying in a manger Three in unity in purity without fail, Let us sing together the glory sweetly of his praise, He has drawn us from the possession of the evil one. Pure blessed Mary did not get around her boy Either a bandage, or cosy flannel, Or pearls, or parlour, or dishes, or sugar, For the Redeemer and Judge of the world. She put around Jeus cloths to warm him, And the manger as a bed undeniably, O see ye faithful Mary so lowly, so graciously Bringing up her father so tenderly; She gave milk to suckle her King from her breasts, And treat him on her knees with praise; From her womb she gave birth, from her breasts she fed Him who was before the worlds existed. The offensive serpent knew his sting would be crushed When the beloved of heaven was born, And the dragon began some malicious was, He weapons some of the sharpest anywhere: The devil put into the heart of the old cruel Herod To kill the faithful Son without fail, But Mary with her child to Egypt went suddenly Where the enemy failed to get him: The little boys of Judah got killed in a slaughter While he tried to destroy the Son of God, Despite how many of the boys the king killed Christ is with his army alive. His persecution and his blasphemy and his enormous disregard Our Jesus has always got here, Some poor of men were thus his friends Not the great nor the proud of the world; He is still the same means through wonderful reports Amongst those poor ones to be found: To the lame and the blind, deaf and mute, He is the good faithful physician without fail, He is a merciful King, he is feeding the hungry, He is calling the burdened as one throng: To the weak he is a faithful Brother, he is a Father to the prodigal; He receives them tenderly into his house. Christ is a true spouse to the Church, a praiseworthy Lamb, It can be found on some day to come; He wants his betrothed pure having been washed With no spot or terror upon her: The sound of a trumpet from the height shall be heard suddenly And the dead from every depth coming, And the little boy Jeus, whom Mary was raising Shall again judging us be; When our world is burning and the seas boiling Every substance melting in fire, All the children of the Lord shall be in new Jerusalem Where their song shall endure eternally. The ark of Noah, when it was above the mountains Kept from the waters only eight, Christ is the strong ark against an eternal deluge Lively and thriving shall be the tribe; Every soul that did not come to the ark to faithful Noah Drowned from great ones to small: Every soul that is not seen in Christ the true ark, It is utterly true, shall be burned up: He shall burn the ungodly in an infernal furnace Where eternal shall be their woe, In an endless prison all the doors of mercy Getting, on their arrival, closed. To Christ and his pure love there is today an invitation: There is a place where sinners may come, To the judgment we must be called, better Christ on that day Than gold having been kept in a purse; Let us flee, flee to the refuge like Lot from Sodom, Let we get destroyed the same day; From Egypt we had better depart though getting disgraced Than drowning like faithless Pharaoh, Better to go to the life like Lazarus from his adversity Who once had a base hovel Than Divas out from his great renown to have been forced And the flames paining him forever. Do not fear, children of Zion, to be seen are the godly With all their robes so white, Clean having been bleached in the precious blood of Jesus, Despite how great was their being beaten in the world; Free from their tribulation praising their Lord, Carrying beautiful palms every one In a kingdom above the earth, like the sun so beautiful, Without prison or lamenting or complaint: And the little boy Jesus will be the theme of the singing, He bled to redeem us on the tree; Faithful singers of the number of the children of Zion May we also be in the same way, Amen.tr. 2015,23 Richard B Gillion |