'R wyf yma mewn anghenion

'R wyf yma mewn anghenion
  Ym mro y cystudd mawr;
A suddo mae fy nghalon
  Yn is o hyd i lawr;
Er mwyn y groes fendigaid,
  Ac angau Calfari,
O! Arglwydd, arwain f'enaid
  I'r Graig sydd uwch na mi!

Addewaist, o'th ddaioni,
  Ddyrchafu'r eiddil gwan;
A threfnaist ffordd i'w godi
  O'r pydew dwfn i'r lan;
Trugarog wyt wrth elyn,
  Er cefnu arnat Ti;
O! Arglwydd, gad im esgyn
  I'r Graig sydd uwch na mi!

Rho brofiad o rinweddol
  Haeddiannau pur y gwaed;
A chanaf yn ddihangol,
  A'r Graig o dan fy nhraed;
Pan droir yr haul yn dywyll,
  Pan gyll y sêr eu bri,
O! Arglwydd, gad im sefyll
  Ar Graig sydd uwch na mi!
  1 : William Lewis, Llangloffan.
2-3: Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

Tonau [7676D]:
Abertawe (Salmydd Clement Marot)
Llanfyrnach (Dewi Myrnach)
Llydaw (alaw Lydewig)
Wilton Square (Megan Watts Hughes 1845-1907)

I am here in needs
  In the vale of the great tribulation;
And sinking is my heart
  Lower and still lower;
For the sake of the blessed cross,
  And the death of Calvary,
O Lord, lead my soul
  To the Rock that is higher than I!

Thou didst promise, of thy goodness,
  To lift up the feeble weak;
And thou didst plan a way to raise him
  Up from the deep pit;
Merciful art thou to an enemy,
  Despite his turning his back on thee;
O Lord, let me ascend
  To the Rock that is higher than I!

Give an experience of the pure
  Efficacious virtues of the blood;
And I shall sing, freed,
  With the Rock under my feet;
When the sun is turned to darkness,
  When the stars lose their glory,
O Lord, let me stand
  On a Rock that is higher than I!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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