'R wyf yn teimlo gwynt y deheu

(Profiadau amrywiol)
'R wyf yn teimlo gwynt y deheu
  Yn anadlu awel bur,
Ac yn ysgafn gario f'enaid
  Draw i fryniau'r
      Ganaan dir:
Aeth y gauaf garw heibio,
  Darfu'r oer dymhestlog wynt;
Na ddoed mwy'r cawodydd duon
  I fy mlino megys gynt.

Anhawdd yfed dyfroedd chwerwon,
  Er mai dyfroedd chwerwon iawn
Ydyw haeddiant fy mhechodau
  O foreuddydd glâs hyd nawn;
Tro fy chwerwder yn felusdra,
  Tro fy ngwenwyn câs yn wîn;
Mi ro'f glôd,
    mi ro'r gogoniant,
  I'th ddoethineb Di Dy Hun.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Bodawen (alaw Gymreig)
Bohemia (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Engedi (J E Jones 1856-1927)
Hebron (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

(Various experiences)
I am feeling the south wind
  Breathing a pure breeze,
And lightly carrying my soul
  Yonder the the hills of the
      land of Canaan:
The rough winder has gone past,
  The cold tempestuous wind has ceased;
May no more black showers come
  To grieve me like before.

Difficult to drink bitter waters,
  Although very bitter waters
Belong to my sins
  From early morning until evening;
Turn my bitterness into sweetness,
  Turn my detestable poison into wine;
I shall give praise,
    I shall give the glory,
  To thine own wisdom.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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