Rhad i gyd yw'r iachawdwriaeth/iechydwriaeth

(Ymffrost yn Nghrist)
Rhad i gyd yw'r iechydwriaeth,
  Tawed dyn a'i ymffrost gau;
Nid drwy haeddiant dyn daeth gobaith
  Ond o Dduw sy'n trugarhau;
    "Rhad drugaredd,"
  Fydd ar ddrws y nefoedd byth.

Minnau orfoleddaf bellach,
  Haeddiant ynwyf er nad oes,
Cafwyd haeddiant perffaith droswyf,
  Haeddiant Aberth
        mawr y groes;
    Hyn yn unig,
  Fydd fy ymffrost tra f'wyf byw.
Casgliad o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

Tôn [878747]: Vesper (alaw Rwsaig)

gwelir: Tawed pawb a son am haeddiant

(Boasting in Christ)
Altogether free is the salvation,
  Let man and his false boasting be silent;
Not through man's merit came hope
  But from God who shows mercy;
    "Free mercy,"
  Shall be on the doors of heaven forever.

I too shall rejoice henceforth,
  Although in me there is no merit,
Perfect merit was got for me,
  The merit of the great
        sacrifice of the cross.
    This alone,
  Shall be my boast while ever I live.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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