Rhagom awn ni filwyr Crist

Rhagom awn, ni filwyr Crist,
Er peryglon aml, trist;
  Yng nghur brwydro, dringo serth,
  Bara'r Bywyd yw ein nerth.

Na foed galar i'n tristáu,
Sychir dagrau pawb yn glau,
  Na lesgawn dan
      ofnau'r daith,
  Mawr ein nerth i'n heisiau maith.

Llawenaed y galon brudd,
Arfau nefol inni sydd,
  Byddwn filwyr dewrion, hy,
  Buan daw ein concwest fry.

Rhagom awn i'r gad ynghyd,
Mwy na choncro wnawn ryw bryd;
  Er gelynion, ymgryfhawn,
  Filwyr Crist,
      a rhagom awn!

Clod a moliant fo i'r Tad,
Clod a moliant i'r Mab rhad,
  Ac i'r Ysbryd, yn ddi-lyth,
  Clod a moliant fyddo byth.
Gwilym Lewis (Ap Gwilym Berw) 1845-1917

Tôn [7777]: University College (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)

Let us go forward, soldiers of Christ,
Despite many sad dangers;
  In the stroke of battle, steep climbing,
  The Bread of Life is our strength.

May no lamenting sadden us,
Everyone's tears be dried quickly,
  Let us not grow weary under
      the fears of the journey,
  Great our strength for our vast needs.

May the sad heart rejoice,
We have heavenly weapons,
  Let us be brave, bold soldiers,
  Soon shall come our conquest above.

Let us go forward to the battle together,
More than conquerors we shall be some time;
  Despite enemies, let us take strength,
  Soldiers of Christ,
      and let us go forwards!

Esteem and praise be to the Father,
Esteem and praise to the gracious Son,
  And to the Spirit, unfailingly,
  Esteem and praise be forever.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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