Rhai tra llygredig ydym ni

(Cyfiawnhad yn cau ymffrost allan
Rhuf. iii.27.  Gal. vi, 14.)
Rhai tra llygredig ydym ni,
  Llygredig oedd ein tad;
Collasom ddelw'r nefoedd bur;
  Trwy bechod gwnawd ein brad.

Yn Nghrist ar ben Calfaria draw,
  Caw'd modd i laesu'm poen;
A chyfiawnhad i euog ddyn;
  Hosana fyth i'r Oen.

Ymddiried mewn gweithredoedd mwy
  I mi sy'n waith di-flas;
Am gyfiawnhad fy enaid tlawd,
  'Rwy'n llwyr yn nyled gras.

Fe gauwyd ymffrost allan fyth,
  Gan ddeddf fendithlawn ffydd,
O'r eglwys filwriaethus 'nawr,
  Ac yn y nef ni bydd.

Ymffrostiwn bellach yn y groes,
  A loesau'r addfwyn Oen,
Yn ngwyneb satan, cnawd, a byd,
  Nes myn'd i'r wlad ddiboen.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

[MC 8686CM]:
Brighthelmstone (<1845)
Ludlow (<1834)

(Justification shutting boasting out
Rom 3:27.  Gal 6:14.)
Those so corrupt are we,
  Corrupt was our father;
We lost the image of pure heaven;
  Through sin our treachery was done.

In Christ on top of yonder Calvary,
  A way was made to relieve our pain;
And justification for guilty man;
  Hosanna forever to the Lamb!

Trusting in deeds any longer
  To me sin a depressing work;
For the justification of my poor soul,
  I am completely in debt to grace.

Boasting was shut out forever,
  By the blessed law of faith,
From the church militant now,
  And in heaven it shall not be.

Let us boast henceforth in the cross,
  And the throes of the gentle Lamb,
In the face of Satan, flesh and world,
  Until going to the painless land.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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