1,2,3,4,(5,(6)); 1,2,3,4,6; 1,2,3,5,6. Rho gydwybod wedi ei chànu, Yn beraidd yn y dwyfol waed; Cnawd a natur wedi eu maeddu, Clwyfau wedi cael iachâd: Minnau'n aros, Yn fy ninas fore a hwyr. Dychwel im' gysuron gloyw Fel y dyddiau goreu erioed, Gad im' gerdded fel yn fachgen, Etto unwaith wrth dy droed; A chael aros, Tan dy gysgod nos a dydd. Dyma'r man dymunwn aros, O fewn pabell bur fy Nuw, Uwch terfysgoedd yspryd euog A themtasiwn o bob rhyw, Tan awelon, Peraidd hyfryd tŷ fy Nhad. Tan dy aden cedwir f'enaid, Yno'n unig byddai byw, Tan dy aden y gwaredir, Fi o'r beiau gwaetha eu rhyw; 'R wyt ti'n gysgod, Rhag euogrwydd yn ei rŷm. Tan dy aden y rhyfelaf, Yno'n unig mae fy ngrym; Tan dy aden y concweraf, Ynte ni orchfygaf ddim: Neb ond Iesu, Fostia'm henaid tra fwyf byw. Mae deng myrddiwn o rinweddau Dwyfol yn ei enw pur; Yn ei wedd mae tegwch rhagor, Nag a welodd môr na thir; Rhosyn Saron, Oll yn hawddgar yw efe. fore a hwyr :: fore a nawn tŷ fy Nhad :: tir fy ngwlad y concweraf :: y gorchfygaf ni choncweraf :: ni orchfygaf Rhosyn Saron, \\ Oll yn hawddgar yw efe :: Mo'i gyffelyb, \\ 'Rioed ni welodd nef y nef - - - - - Rho gydwybod wedi chánu'n Beraidd yn y dwyfol waed; Cnawd a natur wedi'u maeddu, Clwyfau wedi cael iachâd: Minnau'n aros, Yn fy ninas fore a hwyr. Rho fy nwydau fel cantorion, Oll yn chware'u bysedd cun, Ar y delyn sydd yn seinio Enw Iesu mawr ei hun: Neb ond Iesu, Yn ddifyrwch ddydd a nos. Gwna ddystawrwydd ar ganiadau Crâs afrywiog hen y byd; Diffodd dân cynhyrfus natur, Sydd yn difa gras o hyd; Fel y gallwyf, Glywed pur ganiadau'r nef.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [878747]: gwelir: Cudd fy meiau rhag y werin Gwyn a gwridog yw fy Arglwydd Mae deng myrddiwn o rinweddau Na'd fi Iesu fyn'd yn w'radwydd Nid oes pleser nid oes tegan Y mae syched ar fy nghalon |
Give a conscience having been bleached, Sweetly in the divine blood; Flesh and nature having been beaten, Wounds having been healed: I staying, In my city morning and evening. Return to me a shining comfort As the best days ever, Let m walk like a boy, Once again at thy feet; And get to stay, Under thy shadow night and day. Here is the place I would desire to stay, Within the pure tent of my God, Above the tumults of a guilty spirit And temptations of every kind, Under the sweet, Delightful breezes of my Father's house. Under thy wing my soul is to be kept, There alone I would live, Under thy wing to be delivered Am I from the faults of the worst kind; Thou art a shade, Against guilt in its force. Uner thy wing I will wonder, There alone is my force; Under thy wing I will conquer, Or else not conquer anything: None but Jesus, Will my soul boast of while I live. There are ten myriads of divine Wonders in his pure name; In his countenance there is superior fairness, Than has sea or land seen; Rose of Sharon, All beautiful is he. morning and evening :: morning and afternoon my Father's house :: territory of my land I will conquer :: I will overcome I will not conquer :: I will not overcome Rose of Sharon, \\ All beautiful is he :: Not his like, \\ Did the heaven of heaven ever see - - - - - Give a conscience bleached Sweetly in the divine blood; Flesh and nature having been beaten, Wounds having been healed: I staying, In my city morning and evening. Give my desires like singers, All playing their dear fingers, On the harp which is sounding The name of great Jesus himself: None but Jesus, Delighting day and night. Make a quietness in the old, Rough, surly songs of the world; Extinguish the turbulent fire of nature, Which is destroying grace still; Thus I shall be able To hear the pure songs of heaven.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |