Rho im yr hedd na wyr y byd amdano

Rho im yr hedd
    na wyr y byd amdano,
  Hedd, nefol hedd,
      a ddaeth drwy ddwyfol loes;
Pan fyddo'r don
    ar f'enaid gwan yn curo
  Mae'n dawel gyda'r
      Iesu wrth y groes.

O rho yr hedd
    na all y stormydd garwaf
  Ei flino byth
      na chwerwi ei fwynhad
Pan fyddo'r enaid
    ar y noson dduaf
  Yn gwneud ei nyth
      ym mynwes Duw ein Tad.

Rho brofi'r hedd
    a wna im weithio'n dawel
  Yng ngwaith y nef
      dan siomedigaeth flin;
Heb ofni dim,
    ond aros byth yn ddiogel
  Yng nghariad Duw,
      er garwed fyddo'r hin.

O am yr hedd
    sy'n llifo megis afon
  Drwy ddinas Duw,
      dan gangau'r bywiol bren:
Hedd wedi'r loes
    i dyrfa'r pererinion
  Heb gwmwl byth na nos,
      tu hwnt i'r llen.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tonau []:
Cymorth (Salmydd Ffrengig 1551)
Finlandia (Jean Sibelius 1865-1957)
  Manley Park (John Evans 1857-1929)
Rhys (W J Evans 1866-1947)
Welwyn (A Scott-Gatty 1847-1918)

Grant me the peace
    that the world knows nothing about,
  Peace, heavenly peace,
      that came through divine anguish;
Whenever the wave be
    upon my weak soul beating
  It is quiet with
      Jesus at the cross.

O grant the peace
    that the roughest storms cannot
  Ever exhaust
      nor make bitter its enjoyment
When the soul be
    on the darkest night
  Making its nest
      in the bosom of God our Father.

Grant to experience the peace
    that will make me work quietly
  In the work of heaven
      in grievous disappointment;
Without fearing anything,
    but waiting forever safe
  In the love of God,
      despite how rough be the weather.

O for the peace
    which is flowing like a river
  Through the city of God, under
      the branches of the life-giving tree:
Peace after the anguish
    to the throng of pilgrims
  With never a cloud or night,
      beyond the curtain.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
(Divine Peace)
Grant me the peace
    beyond earth's understanding;
  Peace, heavenly peace,
      Christ bought on Calvary's hill;
And when the wave
    on my weak soul is pounding,
  Here by his cross I hear him,
      "Peace! Be still!"
O grant the peace
    no storm on earth can shatter,
  Nor ever weary,
      never once remove;
And in the darkest night
    this peace shall keep us,
  Resting secure
      in God our Father's love.

Grant us the peace
    to work for heaven, accepting
  Without despair
      the hardships of this age;
Knowing that nothing 
    from your love can part us,
  Although the storms about us
      here may rage.

O for the peace
    that flows on like a river
  Through God's own city,
      by the tree of life;
Peace after anguish,
    to the throng of pilgrims,
  Beyond the veil,
      leaving behind all strife.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

Tune []: Rhys (W J Evans 1866-1947)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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