Rho imi weld y ddinas

(Y Jeriwsalem Newydd)
Rho imi weld y ddinas
  Nad ydyw o waith llaw,
Yn disgyn yn ei thegwch
  Dros drothwy'r oes a ddaw;
Heb ynddi fyth i'w blino
  Na loes na chwerw lef;
O! Arglwydd, gad im weled
  Jeriwsalem o'r nef.

Rho imi weld y ddinas -
  Gwaith Duw a dyn ynghyd;
A'i llwybrau aur yn cyrraedd
  Hyd erwau pella'r byd;
Duw'n trigo gyda dynion,
  Hwy'n bobol iddo Ef:
O! Arglwydd, gad im weled
  Jeriwsalem o'r nef.

Rho imi weld y ddinas
  Na bydd wrth fesur dyn,
Ei thyrau'n ymddyrchafu
  Yng Nghymru fach ei hun;
Ac yno'r genedl gyfiawn
  Yn dyfod oll i dref;
O! Arglwydd, gad im weled
  Jeriwsalwm o'r nef.
Richard Samuel Rogers 1882-1950

Tôn [7676D]: Tal-y-Llyn (alaw Gymreig)

(The New Jerusalem)
Grant me to see the city
  That is not the work of hands,
Descending in her fairness
  Across the threshold of the coming age;
With never anything in her to grieve her
  Nor anguish nor bitter cry;
O Lord, let me see
  Jerusalem from heaven!

Grant me to see the city -
  The work of God and man together;
And her golden paths reaching
  As far as the world's furthest acres;
God dwelling with men,
  They as his people:
O Lord, let me see
  Jerusalem from heaven!

Grant me to see the city
  That shall not be by man's measure,
Her towers rising up
  In little Wales itself;
And there the righteous nation
  All coming home;
O Lord, let me see
  Jerusalem from heaven.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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