Rhyfeddol byth rhyfeddol

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,2,3,4,6,7,8.
(Cariad Duw mewn etholedigaeth)
Rhyfeddol byth, rhyfeddol
  Yw cariad rhad fy Nuw,
A redodd yn yr arfaeth
  At ddynion gwael eu rhyw,
A'u dewis mewn Cyfryngwr
  A'u rhoddi iddo'n hâd,
Ac yntau yn ymrwymo
  I'w dwyn yn un a'i Dad.

Etholiad, heb un ammod
  Yn sefyll ar y dyn
Yn tarddu o foddlonrwydd
  Ewyllys Duw ei hun:
Tragwyddol, heb un dechreu,
  Anghyfnewidiol yw;
Mae'r sylfaen a'r adeilad
  I gyd o gynghor Duw.

Etholwyd i feddiannu'r
  Holl ragorfreintiau drud
Y moroedd o fendithion
  Sy 'ngwaed
      Iachawdwr byd:
Cyfiawnder a sancteiddrwydd,
  A gogoneddiad llawn;
Rhad, rhad! fydd anthem Seion
  Am fath annhraethol ddawn.

Mae'r moddion a'r dibenion
  Mewn cwlwm sicr iawn;
'Does modd
    fod gwell sefydliad
  Mae'n ddoeth, o ras yn llawn:
Prif ddiben ethol ydoedd
  Dyrchafu gras fy Nuw
Ac wrth wneyd hyny, achub
  Myrddiynau_o ddynolryw.

O! ddyfnder anchwiliadwy
  I reswm na dawn dyn;
Ac anamgyffredadwy
  I bawb ond Duw ei Hun
O! rawd, raid i ti dewi,
  'Rwyn penderfynu'n awr
Addoli, credu, caru
  Duw yn ei arfaeth fawr.

Anfeidrol faith rhyfeddol,
  Yw'r ffordd a drefnodd Ef,
I dd'od a'i eiddil bobl,
  Yn iach i ganol nef;
Darparodd ar eu medr,
  Ryw ffynnon bur ddidrai,
Er cysur i'r anghenog,
  Mae'n golchi'r euog rai.

Mae yma bob cysuron,
  Clôd am y ffynnon lawn,
Myrddiynau_yn cael eu golchi
  Heb ddim i dalu iawn;
Rhinweddau'r ffynnon yma,
  Sy'n parâ byth heb drai,
Anturiaf finnau iddi,
  Er cymmaint yw fy mai.

O f'enaid gwel addasrwydd,
  Y person dwyfol hwn,
Anturia' iddo'th fywyd,
  A bwrw arno'th bwn:
Mae'n ddyn i gydymdeimlo,
  A'th holl wendidau'i gyd,
Mae'n Dduw i fynu'r orsedd,
  Ar ddiafol, cnawd, a byd.
1-5: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
6-7: Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808
8 : Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [7676D]:
Bridge Street (<1825)
Culmstock (<1825)
Meirionydd (alaw Gymreig)
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Pentraeth (<1845)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)
St Thomas's (<1825)

  Anfeidrol a rhyfeddol
  O am gael ffydd i edrych
  O Arglwydd Dduw Rhagluniaeth
  Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd

(The love of God in election)
Wonderful forever, wonderful
  Is the free love of my God,
Which ran in the purpose
  To men of a base sort,
And the choice of them in a Mediator
  And the gift of them to him as seed,
And he committed
  To lead them as one with his Father.

Election, without any condition
  Standing for the man
Issuing from the pleasure
  Of the will of God himself:
Eternal, without any beginning,
  Unchangeable it is;
The foundation and the edifice are
  Altogether from the counsel of God.

Chosen to possess the
  Whole costly privileges
The seas of blessings
  Which are in the blood
      of the Saviour of the world:
Justification and sanctification,
  And full glorification;
Free, free! will be Zion's anthem
  For such an inexpressible gift.

The means and the purposes are
  In a knot very sure;
There is no means
    of being better established
  They are wise, full of grace:
The chief purpose of election was
  To exalt the grace of my God.
And by doing this, save
  Myriads of humankind.

O depth unsearchable
  To reason or human talent;
And incomprehensible
  To everyone but God Himself!
O flesh, thou must be silent,
  I am determining now
To worship, belief, love
  God in his great plan.

Immeasurably vastly wonderful
  Is the way which He has ordained,
To brig his feeble people,
  Whole to the centre of heaven;
He prepared for their sake
  Some pure, unebbing fount,
For comfort to the needy,
  It washes the guilty one.

There is here every comfort,
  Praise for the full fount,
Myriads getting washed
  Without anything to pay in redress;
The merits of the fount here,
  Which continues forever without ebbing,
I too will venture to it,
  Despite how great is my fault.

O my soul, see the suitability,
  Of this divine person,
Venture to him thy life,
  And cast upon him thy burden:
He is a man to sympathise,
  With all thy weaknesses altogether,
His is a God upon the throne,
  Over the devil, flesh, and world.
tr. 2013,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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