Rhyfeddol yw'th amcanion Iôr

Lord we adore thy vast designs

Rhyfeddol yw'th amcanion, Iôr,
Mae'th ddofn ragluniaeth fel y môr;
  Rhy ddofn i ni
      â'n deall tlawd,
  Ei heglur wel'd â llygaid cnawd.

'Nawr gwisgo 'rwyt dy wyneb cu
Mewn digllawn wg, fel cwmwl du;
  Trwy'r cwmwl
      credu'th ras a wnawn,
  Mai'th brofi o hyd
      yn dirion gawn. 

Tros dònau dyfnion, geirwon, llym,
Wrth ffydd, nid golwg, morio 'r'ym;
  Trwy dd'rysni'r daith,
      mewn anial le,
  Ffydd yw'n harweinydd tu a'r ne'.

Dad doeth! os yw dy wialen di
Ar fedr yma'n cospi ni;
  Ni bwyswn ar dy fraich o hyd,
  Dy nerth a'n dwg
      yn iach drwy'r byd.

              - - - - -

Rhyfeddol yw'th amcanion, Iôr,
Mae'th ddofn ragluniaeth fel y môr,
  Rhy ddofn i ni
      a'n deall tlawd,
  Rhy faith i'w gwel'd a llygaid cnawd.

'Nawr gwisgo 'r wyt dy wyneb cu,
Mewn digllon ŵg, fel cwmmwl du;
  Trwy'r cwmmwl
      credu'th ras a wnawn,
  Mai'th brofi o hyd
      yn dirion cawn. 

Trwy foroedd dyfnion, 'stormydd llym,
Wrth ffydd, nid golwg, morio 'ry'm;
  Ffydd yw'n harweinydd tua thre',
  Trwy dd'rysni a'r nôs
      mewn anial le.

Dad anwyl, os yw'th wialen di
Ar feder yma'n cospi ni,
  Ni bwyswm ar ein Duw o hyd,
  Dy fraich a'n dwg
      yn iach trwy'r byd.
cyf. Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: MH 8888]

Wonderful are thy purposes, Lord,
Thy deep providence is like the sea;
  Too deep for us
      with our poor understanding,
  To see it clearly with eyes of flesh.

Now thou art wearing thy dear face
In a wrathful frown, like a black cloud;
  Through the cloud
      believe thy grace we may,
  That experience thee as tender
      always we may.

Across deep, rough, sharp waves,
By faith, not sight, sailing we are;
  Through the bewilderment of the journey,
      in a desert place,
  Faith is leading us towards heaven.

Wise Father, if thy rod is
Intending here to chastise us;
  We lean on thy arm always,
  Thy strength will lead us
      whole through the world.

                - - - - -

Wonderful are thy purposes, Lord,
Thy deep providence is like the sea,
  Too deep for us
      and our poor understanding,
  Too vast to see it with eyes of flesh.

Now thou art wearing thy dear face,
In a wrathful frown, like a black cloud;
  Through the cloud
      believe thy grace we may,
  That experience thee as tender
      always we may.

Through deep seas, keen storms,
By faith, not sight, sailing we are;
  Faith is leading us towards home,
  Through the bewilderment and the night,
      in a desert place.

Dear Father, if thy rod is
Intending here to chastise us,
  We lean on our God always,
  Thy arm shall lead us
      safely through the world.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
Lord, we adore thy vast designs,
Th' obscure abyss of Providence,
  Too deep to sound
      with mortal lines,
  Too dark to view with feeble sense.

Now thou array'st thine awful face
In angry frowns, without a smile;
  We, through the cloud,
      believe thy grace,
  Secure of thy
      compassion still.

Through seas and storms of deep distress
We sail by faith, and not by sight;
  Faith guides us
      in the wilderness,
  Through all the briers and the night.

Dear Father, if thy lifted rod
Resolve to scourge us here below,
  Still we must lean upon our God,
  Thine arm shall bear us
      safely through.

                 - - - - -

Lord, we adore thy vast designs,
Th' obscure abyss of Providence,
  Too deep to sound
      with mortal lines,
  Too dark to view with feeble sense.

Now thou array'st thine awful face
In angry frowns, without a smile;
  We, through the cloud,
      believe thy grace,
  Secure of thy
      compassion still.

Through seas and storms of deep distress
We sail by faith, and not by sight;
  Faith guides us
      in the wilderness,
  Through all the briers and the night.

Dear Father, if thy lifted rod
Resolve to scourge us here below,
  Still we must lean upon our God,
  Thine arm shall bear us
      safely through.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]:
    Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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