Rhyw 'stormydd mawr eu grym

  Rhyw 'stormydd mawr eu grym
    Sy'n curo f'enaid gwan;
  O anwyl Iesu bydd
    Dy Hunan ar fy rhan;
O dal fi'r lan â'th allu mawr,
Ac onide mi sodda'i lawr.

  Gelynion rif y dail
    Sydd am fy nghael i lawr,
  O fewn, o faes, bob dydd
    Fel tonau'r moroedd mawr:
Os deli Di fy mhen i'r lan,
Gaf fuddugoliaeth yn y man.

  Na ad im' lwfwrhau
    Er amled ydyw'r llu;
  O cynal f'enaid gwan
    Nes d'od i'r Ganaan fry;
Y wlad nad oes na chur na loes,
Ond moli'r Gwr fu ar y groes.
Christmas Evans 1766-1838
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

[Mesur: 666688]

  Gelynion rif y dail
  Y fraich fu'n hollti'r môr

  Some storms of great force
    Are beating my weak soul;
  O dear Jesus, be
    Thyself on my side;
O hold me up with thy great power,
Or else I shall sink down.

  Enemies numerous as the leaves
    Are trying to get me down,
  Within, without, every day
    Like the waves of the great seas:
If thou holdest my head up,
I shall get victory soon.

  Do not let me lose heart
    Despite how multiple is the host;
  O support my weak soul
    Until coming to the Canaan above;
The land without either beating or anguish,
But praising the Man who was on the cross.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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