'Roedd tair teyrnasoedd cedyrn

(Y Concwerwr mawr)
'Roedd tair teyrnasoedd cedyrn
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
Heb neb ond Iesu'i hunan
  I wrthwynebu'r llu;
Ond yn y frwydyr chwerw,
  A'r rhyfel garw iawn,
Fe gariodd Iesu'r goncwest
  Yn gynar y prydnawn.

Ar groes caed buddugoliaeth
  Gan Iesu, Cyfaill dyn;
Bu'r llewod oll, a'r dreigiau,
  Mewn dalfa ganddo'i hun:
Er lladd Tywysog bywyd,
  Ennillodd ef y dydd;
O canwn Haleliwia,
  Mae pyrth y nef yn rhydd!
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [7676D]: Corwen
    (W Williams [Northyn] 1822-1911)

(The great Conqueror)
There were three mighty kingdoms
  On the mountain of Calvary,
With none but Jesus himself
  To oppose the host;
But in the bitter battle,
  And the very rough war,
Jesus carried the conquest
  Early in the afternoon.

On the cross victory was got
  By Jesus, the Friend of man;
All the lions and the dragons were
  Imprisoned by him himself:
Although they killed the Prince of life,
  He won the day;
O let us sing Hallelujah,
  The portals of heaven are free!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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