'Rwy'n awr yn cyrchu at y nôd

(Rhedeg am gamp)
'Rwy'n awr yn cyrchu at y nod,
Am gamp ragorol uwch y rhod;
  Ca pawb a redo'r yrfa hon
  Oruchel fraint
      a gwynfyd llon.

Cânt delyn auraidd yn eu llaw
Pan ânt yn iach i'w cartref draw,
  Cânt hefyd wisgo'r palmwydd gwyrdd
  Yn mhlith hardd-deg angylion fyrdd.

Cânt foli'r Oen
    fu ar y pren,
A rhoddi'r goron ar ei ben;
  Ar ben eu taith,
      cânt yn y nef
  Fod byth yn debyg iddo ef.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

-- -- -- -- --

(Rhan II - Cyrchu at y nôd - Phil. iii, 14.)

'Rwy'n awr yn cyrchu at y nôd,
Am gamp ragorol uwch y rhôd;
  Goruchel alwedigaeth yw -
  Mi redaf wrthi tra b'wyf byw.

Caiff pawb a redo'r yrfa hon
Bob rhyw ddedwyddwch
    glwysdeg llon,
  Gyda eu Brenin yn y nef,
  A bod yn debyg iddo ef.

Cânt, ar ol cyrhaedd pen y daith,
Ddadseinio'r nefol ethol iaith,
  I'r Oen fu farw ar y pren,
  A rhoddi'r goron ar ei ben.

Cânt delyn euraidd yn eu llaw,
'Nol mynd i dre' yr ochor draw,
  Cânt hefyd wisgo'r palmwydd gwyrdd
  A'i foli 'mhlith angylion fyrdd.

Rho imi gymhorth, Iesu mawr,
I'th ogoneddu di yn awr,
  A thỳn fi 'redeg ar dy ol,
  Nes delwyf adre' i dy gôl.
J Dafis
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Bromley (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
Horsley (<1835)

  Rhan I - I'r gad y bloeddia'm Pen o draw

(Running to win a prize)
I am now making for the goal,
For an excellent prize above the sky;
  All who run this course may get
  The supreme privilege
      and cheerful blessedness.

They get a golden harp in their hand
When they go safe to their home yonder,
  They also get to wear green palms
  Amongst the myriad beautiful angels.

They get to praise the Lamb
    Who died on the tree,
And put the crown on his head;
  At their journey's end,
      they may in heaven
  Be forever like unto him.

-- -- -- -- --

(Part 2 - Making for the goal - Phil. 3:14.)

I am now making for the goal,
For an excellent prize above the sky;
  The supreme calling it is -
  I shall run after it while ever I live.

All who run this course may get
Every kind of cheerful,
    beautifully fair happiness,
  With their King in heaven,
  And be like unto him.

They may, after reaching the journey's end,
Resound the heavenly, chosen language,
  To the Lamb who died on the tree,
  And put the crown on his head.

They get a golden hap in their hand,
After going home to yonder side,
  They also get to wear green palms
  And praise him amongst a myriad angels.

Give me help, great Jesus,
To glorify thee now,
  And draw me to run after thee,
  Until I come home to thy bosom.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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