'Rwy(f) yn terfynu 'nghred

(Ffyddlondeb Duw)
1,2,(3,4a,5a);  1,2,4b,5b.
'Rwy' yn terfynu 'nghred
  'Nol pwyso oll ynghyd,
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd:
Ar ei ffyddlondeb ef,
    Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwan,
Mi greda' doi mhen gronyn bach,
  O'r tonnau'n iach i'r lann.

Cyfiawnder marwol glwy,
  A haeddiant dwyfol loes,
Y pris, y gwerth,
    a'r aberth drud,
  A dalwyd ar y groes;
A gliria meiau'n llwyr,
  A'm gylch yn hyfryd lân,
Ac nid oes arall dan y nef,
  A'm nertha i fyn'd y'mlaen.

Wel deuwch tua'r wlad,
  Y ffordd a gaed yn rhydd;
Ar ol rhyw noswaith dywyll gaeth,
  'N awr gwawrio wnaeth y dydd,
Oddi yma i Peru,
  Mae efenfgyl Duw yn rhoi bloedd,
Cyhoeddi i'r Negroes dua' eu lliw,
  Drugaredd Duw ar g'oedd.

Mae pen ein taith gerllaw,
  Ar fyrder gwawria'r dydd,
I ddiangc o'u cadwynau caeth,
  A chanu'n berffaith rydd;
Y'nghanol tyrfa faith;
  Pob llwyth a iaith a dawn,
Un sabboth heb na haul na lloer,
  Na bore na phrydnawn.

[Mae pen ein taith ger llaw,
   Ar fyrder gwawria'r dydd,
 O fy nghadwynau caeth
     bob rhyw,
   Fe'm tŷn fy Nuw fi'n rhydd:
 Tros yr Iorddonen lâs,
   Caf landio maes o law;
 I fwyta ffrwythau nefol pur,
   Yr hyfryd dir
       sydd draw.]

Prysurwn yn y blaen,
  Yn nes nes at y nod:
Na lwfrhawn,
    mawr yw ein braint,
  Ni chollodd saint erioed:
Pob peth sy'n galw ar frys,
  Am fyn'd tua llys ein Tâd,
Lle cawn ni fwytta yn y man,
  Danteithion Canaan wlad.

[Cyrhaeddwn yn y blaen,
   'Nawr nes-nes at y nôd,
 Na ildiwn ddim
     mawr yw ein braint,
   Ni chollodd saint erioed:
 Pob peth sy'n galw am frys,
   Fyn'd tua llŷs ein Tad,
 Nyni cawn fwyta yn y man,
       Canaan wlad.]
            - - - - -

'Rwyf yn terfynu 'nghred,
  'Nôl pwyso oll ynghyd,
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd;
Ar ei ffyddlondeb Ef,
  Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwan,
Mi gredaf dof,
    'mhen gronyn bach,
  O'r tonnau'n iach i'r lan.

'Run nerth sydd gan fy Nuw,
  A'r un yw geiriau nef;
'Run grâs, a'r
    un ffyddlondeb sy'
  'N cartrefu ynddo Ef:
Fy ngwendid o bob math,
  A'm llygrediagaeth cry',
Ni allant ddiffodd, er mo'r gâs,
  Hyd fyth, mo'r grâs sy' fry.

Cyflawnir gair fy Nuw,
  A doed hi fel y del;
Can's holl amcanion nefoedd fry,
  Bob silaf, sy' tan sêl:
Ac ar ei air a'i nerth,
  A dwyfol werth ei waed,
Mi af trwy bob gelynion hŷ
  I mewn i dŷ fy Nhâd.

            - - - - -

'Rwyf yn terfynu 'nghred,
  'Nol pwyso oll yn nghyd;
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd:
Ar ei ffyddlondeb ef,
  Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwàn,
Mi greda' do'i
      mhen gronyn bach
  O'r tònau'n iach i'r làn.

'Rwyf wedi bwrw'r draul
  I fyn'd yn mlaen o hyd,
Nes gwelwy'r dydd yn gwawrio draw,
  Mi wn y daw ryw bryd:
Er gwaetha'm llygredd cas,
  Mi ddianga' maes o law,
I gol fy Nuw a'm priod cu,
  Sy'n eiriol droswyf draw.

            - - - - -

'Rwyf yn terfynu 'nghred,
  'Nol pwyso oll yn nghyd,
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd.

2 Ar ei ffyddlondeb Ef
  Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwan,
Mi gredaf do'i 'mhen gronyn bach,
  O'r tònau'n iach i'r lan.

3 Fy ngwendid o bob math,
  A'm llygredigaeth cry',
Ni allant ddiffodd, er mor gâs,
  Hyd fyth, mo'r gras sy fry.

4 Cyflawnir gair fy Nuw
  A doed hi fel y dêl;
Can's holl amcanion nefoedd fry
  Bob sillaf, sy tan sêl.

5 Ar ei air Ef a'i nerth,
  A Dwyfol werth y gwaed,
Mi af trwy bob gelynion hŷ
  I mewn i dŷ fy Nhâd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Gobaith
    (Thomas Price 1857-1925)

  Cyfiawnder marwol glwy(f)
  Fe enillodd Iesu'r dydd
  Gostega'r storom gref
  Pererin wyf ar daith
  'Rwy'n ofni'm nerth yn ddim
  Mi welaf fyrdd dan sêl
  'Rwyf wedi bwrw'r draul
  Wel f'enaid dos yn mlaen

I am concluding my belief
  After weighing all together,
That changeable is man,
  But but is the same always:
On his faithfulness,
  Which is a strong refuge for the weak,
I belief I shall come after a little while,
  From the waves safe to the shore.

The righteousness of a mortal wound
  And the merit of divine anguish,
The price, the worth,
    and the costly sacrifice,
  Which was paid on the cross;
Which clears all my faults,
  And washes me delightfully clean,
And there is no other under heaven,
  Who strengthens me to go on.

So come ye towards the land,
  The way is freely available;
After some dark night of captivity
  Now the day has dawned,
From here to Peru,
  The gospel of God is giving a shout,
Announcing to Negroes of darkest colour,
  The mercy of God publicly.

The end of our journey is at hand,
  Hurriedly dawns the day,
To escape from the chains of captivity,
  And sing perfectly freely;
Amongst the vast throng;
  Every tribe and language and ability,
One sabbath with neither sun nor moon,
  Nor morning nor evening.

[The end of our journey is at hand,
   Hurriedly dawns the day,
 From my chains of
     every kind of captivity,
   My God shall pull me free:
 Across the blue-green Jordan,
   I shall get to land soon;
 To eat pure heavenly fruits,
   Of the delightful land
       which is yonder.]

Let us hurry onwards,
  Until coming to the goal:
Let us not be cowardly,
    great is our privilege,
  Saints have never lost:
Everything is calling urgently,
  To go towards the court of our Father,
Where we may get to eat soon,
  The delicacies of the land of Canaan.

[Let us reach forwards,
   Now right up to the goal,
 Let us not yield at all,
     great is our privilege,
   Saints have never lost:
 Everything is calling us urgently,
   To go towards our Father's court,
 We shall get to eat soon,
   Of the delicacies of
       the land of Canaan.]

                  - - - - -

I am concluding my belief,
  After weighing everything together,
That changeable is man,
  But that God is still the same,
On his faithfulness,
  Which is a strong refuge for the weak,
I believe I shall come,
      after a little while,
  From the waves safely to the shore.

The same strength which my God has,
  And the the same are heaven's words;
The same grace, and the
    same faithfulness is
  Dwelling in Him:
My weakness of every kind,
  And my strong corruption,
Cannot extinguish, however hateful,
  Ever, the grace which is above.

To be fulfilled is my God's word,
  A let is come what will;
Since all the purposes of heaven above,
  Every syllable, is under a seal:
An on his word and his strength,
  And the divine worth of his blood,
I shall go through every arrogant enemy
  Into my Father's house.

                 - - - - -

I am concluding my belief
  After weighing all together,
That changeable is man,
  But that God is the same always:
On his faithfulness,
  Which is a strong refuge for the weak,
I belief I shall come
    after a little while,
  From the waves safe to the shore.

I have counted the cost
  To go forwards still,
Until I see the day dawning over there,
  I that that it will come some day:
Despite my hated corruption,
  I shall escape soon,
To the bosom of my God and my dear spouse,
  Who is interceding for me over there.

                 - - - - -

I am concluding my belief,
  After weighing all together,
That changeable is man,
  But that God is the same always.

On his faithfulness
  That is a strong refuge for the weak,
I believe I shall come in a little while,
  From the waves safe to the shore.

My weakness of every kind,
  And my strong corruption,
Cannot extinguish, although so detestable,
  Ever, the grace that is above.

My God's word is to be fulfilled
  Come what may;
Since all the purposes of heaven above
  Every syllable, that is under a seal.

On his word and his strength,
  And the divine worth of the blood,
I will go through every proud enemy
  Into the house of my Father.
tr. 2014,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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