'Rŷm wrth dy fwrdd O Arglwydd cun

(Swper yr Arglwydd)
'Rym wrth dy fwrdd, O Arglwydd cun,
Yn ceisio'th weled di dy hun;
  Gwag ydyw'r bwrdd, trist ydyw'r wledd,
  Heb weled dull
      dy hyfryd wedd.

Dy ogoniant mawr, dy angau drud,
Dywyno arnom ni i gyd;
  A hyn wna'n gwleddoedd yn ddi drai,
  A hyn wna ini lawenhau.

Ni gawn ymddangos cyn bo hir,
O flaen yr orsedd ddysglaer glir,
  Mewn gwisgoedd gwynion, lleision, rhad,
  Wedi'u taenellu yn y gwaed.

Treuliwn ein bywyd bellach byth,
Mewn un llawenydd pur di lyth;
  Cofiwn dy enw,
      seiniwn glod,
  Tra nefoedd wen hyd fyth yn bod.

- - - - - 1,2,3;  1,3,4.
'Rŷm wrth dy fwrdd, O Arglwydd cun, Rho nerth i'th weled di dy hun; Gwag ydyw'r bwrdd, trist ydyw'r wledd, Heb weled dull dy hyfryd wedd. O Arglwydd Dduw, O tyrd yn awr, A danfon d'Ysbryd pur i lawr; Dy Ysbryd a gymhwysa'r gwaed - Cymhwysa'r iachawdwriaeth rad. O am gael trin dy ddoniau maith Er cael dy wyneb ar ein taith, Ac uno gyda'r sanctaidd lu I'th foli byth mewn gwynfyd fry.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Beza (<1869)
Llef (Griffith H Jones 1849-1919)
Peters (<1829)
Sebastian (Daniel Vetter / J S Bach)

gwelir: Ai dyma'r arwydd ro'ist i mi?

(The Lord's Table)
We are at thy table, O dear Lord,
Seeking to see thee thyself;
  Empty is the table, sad is the feast,
  Without seeing the form of
      thy delightful countenance.

May thy great glory, thy costly death,
Shine upon us all;
  And this will make the feasts unebbing,
  And this will make us rejoice.

We shall get to appear before long,
Before the bright, shining throne,
  In white, flowing, loose garments,
  Sprinkled with the blood.

Let us spend our lives henceforth forever,
In one pure, unfailing joy;
  Let us remember thy name,
      let us sound praise,
  While bright heaven forever is.

- - - - -  
We are at they table, O dear Lord, Give strength to see thee thyself; Empty is the table, sad is the feast, Without seeing the form of thy delightful countenance. O Lord God, O come now, And send thy pure Spirit down; Thy Spirit shall apply the blood - Apply the free salvation. O to get the treatment of thy vast gifts In order to get thy face on our journey, And unite with the sacred host To praise thee forever in blessedness above.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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