Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef

(Ffyrdd Rhagluniaeth)
Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef,
  Mor rhyfedd yw
Esboniad helaeth hon
  O arfaeth Duw:
Mae'n gwylio llwch y llawr,
  Mae'n trefnu lluoedd nef,
Cyflawna'r cwbwl oll
  O'i gyngor ef.

Llywodraeth faith y byd
  Sydd yn ei llaw,
Mae'n tynnu yma i lawr,
  Yn codi draw:
Trwy bob helyntoedd blin,
  Terfysgoedd o bob rhyw,
Dyrchafu'n gyson mae
  Deyrnas ein Duw.

Ei th'wyllwch dudew sydd
  Yn olau gwir,
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae
  Yn drefen glir;
Hi ddaw ā'i throeon maith
  Yn fuan oll i ben,
Bydd synnu wrth gofio'r rhain
  Tu draw i'r llen.
gwylio :: gwylied
Mae'n trefnu :: Yn trefnu
th'wyllwch :: thwllwch
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae :: A thrwy bob dryswch yw
gofio'r rhain :: olrhain rhain

David Charles 1762-1834

Tonau [6464.6664]
Builth (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Eiriolaeth (<1875)
St Nicholas (alaw Almaenaidd)
Ystrad Fflur (William Evans 1836-1900)

(The Ways of Providence)
Great providence of heaven,
  So wonderful it is
This plenteous exposition
  Of God's purpose:
It watches over the dust of the earth,
  It marshalls the hosts of heaven,
It fulfils the entirety
  Of his counsel.

The extensive leadership of the world
  Is in its hand,
It brings down here,
  Builds up there:
Through all the troubling affairs,
  Tumults of every kind,
Constantly rising is
  The kingdom of our God.

Its thick darkness is
  As true light,
Its greatest perplexity, is
  As clear order;
It will bring its lengthy turnings
  Soon all to an end
It will be amazing on remembering these
  Beyond the curtain.
It marshalls :: Marshalling
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae :: And through every perplexity it is
remembering these :: tracing these

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The Providence of Heaven,
  How wondrous art:
Thine open vision shows
  God's loving heart.
Thou watchest o'er the earth,
  And guidest all above,
Fulfilling all commands
  Of God i love.

Though strange and dark the way,
  Yet purest light
Will shine upon our day,
  With beams so bright;
The winding path seen clear,
  All ends in joy and love,
We'll ever sing Thy praise
  In Heaven above.

tr. D.P.
Cān a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918

Tune [6464.6664]: Builth (David Jenkins 1848-1915)


Great providence of heaven -
  What wonders shine
tr. Edmund Tudor Owen 1935-
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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