Rhow'd mantell goch am dan yr Oen

(Dyoddefaint, angeu a buddugoliaeth Crist.)
Rhow'd mantell goch am dan yr Oen,
Gan ddrain ei ben ddyoddefai boen,
  'Nawr wele'r Brenin pur;
Fflangellwyd ef nes oedd yn waed,
A chwysau hir o'i ben i'w draed:
  O f'enaid cofia'i gur.

Ca'dd gario'r groes
    i ben y bryn,
Nes llethu'n llwyr, fy Iesu'n llyn,
  Gan wawdio'm Prynwr pur;
A dyweyd, "Ai dyma
    Israel Sanct?
Ei waed boed arnom ni a'n plant:"
  O f'enaid cofia'i gur.

Y ddaear fud, ro'i 'i meirw'n fyw,
A'r creigydd fry a holltai'n friw
  Wrth edrych ar ei gur:
Yr haul ymguddiai wrth y loes,
Y lloer a'r ser
    ai'n dywyll nos:
  O f'enaid cofia'i gur.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 886D]

  Ca'dd gario'r groes i ben y bryn
  O deffro tro fy enaid trist
  Y ddaear fud ro'i meirw'n fyw

(The suffering, death and victory of Christ.)
A red cloak was put around the Lamb,
With thorns his head suffered pain,
  Now see the pure King;
He was flogged until he was blood,
And long sweats from his head to his feet:
  O my soul remember his wounding.

He got to carry the cross
    to the head of the hill,
Until completely overcoming my Jesus thus,
  While scorning my pure Redeemer;
And saying, "If this is
    the Holy One of Israel?
His blood be upon us and our children:"
  O my soul remember his wounding.

The mute earth, gave up its dead alive,
And the rocks above split apart
  While looking at his wounding:
The sun hid itself from the anguish,
The moon and the stars
    turned to dark night:
  O my soul remember his wounding.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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