'Nol/'Rol rhoddi'n Harglwydd hael

(Adgyfodiad Crist)
'Nol rhoddi'n Harglwydd hael
  Yn wael ei wedd,
Rhyfeddod mwya' erioed,
  Yn ngwaelod bedd,
Ond ar y trydydd dydd
  Yn rhydd yr aeth Efe:
Palmantodd lwybr gwych
  I entrych ne'.

Concwerodd angeu glas,
  A'i deyrnas drist;
Fe'u rhoddwyd tan ein traed,
  Trwy waed ein Crist:
Fe dynodd golyn hwn
  Yn gyfan gwn, o'r gwraidd;
Pwy ofnai mewn un modd
  Rhag bloedd y blaidd?

'Nol gorphen ar ei waith
  I'r nef 'r aeth Ef,
Lle mae ef yr awrhon
  Yn gwrando'n llef:
Yn eiriol drosom draw,
  Ar fyr daw i'n rhyddhau;
Mae'r amser ddydd a nos
  Yn agoshau.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [6464.6664]: Ystrad Fflur
    (William Evans 1836-1900)

gwelir: Rhyfedda hyd a lled

(The Resurrection of Christ)
After putting our generous Lord
  In a poor condition,
The greatest wonder ever,
  In the bottom of the grave;
But on the third day,
  Free went he,
He paved the brilliant way
  To the zenith of heaven.

He conquered utter death,
  And his sad realm;
He was put under our feet,
  Through the blood of our Christ:
He drew out his sting
  Completely I know, from the root;
Who would be afraid in any way
  Of the shout of the wolf?

After finishing his work
  To heaven he went,
Where he is now
  Listening to our cry:
Interceding for us yonder,
  Shortly he shall come to free us;
The time day and night
  Is drawing near.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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