'Rwy'n caru dweud/dweyd yr hanes, Am fawrion bethau'r nef.

I love to tell the story, Of unseen things above.

'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
    Am fawrion bethau'r nef;
Am Iesu a'i ogoniant,
    A'i ryfedd gariad Ef;
  'Rwy'n caru gweud yr hanes,
      Hen hanes cariad drud,
  Mae'n llanw 'nymuniadau
      Mae'n hollol dwyn fy mryd.

        Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
        Ac yn y nef yn gynnes
        Caf ddweud yr
            hen, hen hanes
          Am Iesu a'i werthfawr waed.

'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
    Mwy rhyfedd yw y gwaith
Na ddim erioed a welwyd
    Trwy nef a'r ddaear faith;
  'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
      O gymaint wnaeth i mi!
  A thyna pam 'rwy'n caru
      Ei adrodd wrthyt ti.

'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
    Mor felys yw i'm bryd!
Bob tro 'rwyf yn ei adrodd
    Melysach yw o hyd;
  'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes
      Wrth rai na chlywsant sôn
  Am ffordd yr iachawdwriaeth,
      Trwy werthfawr
          waed yr Oen.

'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes,
    Mae'r rhai yn awr a'i gŵyr
Mewn syched eto'n gwrando,
    Heb flino fore a hwyr;
  A phan yr af i'r nefoedd,
      Y newydd, newydd gân
  A fydd yr hen, hen hanes
      Oedd annwyl im' o'r bla'n.
John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn [7676D+7776]:
'Rwy'n Caru Dweud yr Hanes / I Love to Tell the Story
    (William G Fischer 1835-1912)

I love to tell the story,
    Of the great things of heaven;
Of Jesus and his glory,
    And His amazing love;
  I love to tell the story,
      An old story of costly love,
  It fills my desires
      It completely takes my heart.

        I love to tell the story,
        An in heaven warmly
        I will get to tell the
            old, old story
          Of Jesus and his precious blood.

I love to tell the story,
    More wonderful is the work,
Than anything ever seen
    Through heaven and the vast earth;
  I love to tell the story,
      Of how much he did for me!
  And that is why I love
      To report him to thee.

I love to tell the story,
    How sweet it is to my mind!
Every time I report it
    It is sweeter still;
  I love to tell the story
      To those who have not heard mention
  Of the way of the salvation
      Through the precious
          blood of the Lamb.

I love to tell the story,
    There are those now who know it
In thirst still to hear,
    Without tiring morning and evening;
  And when I go to the heavens,
      The new, new song
  Will be the old, old story
      That was dear to me before.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
I love to tell the story
    Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
    Of Jesus and His love.
  I love to tell the story,
      Because I know 'tis true;
  It satisfies my longings
      As nothing else can do.

        I love to tell the story,
        'Twill be my theme in glory,
        To tell the
            old, old story
          Of Jesus and His love.

I love to tell the story;
    More wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies
    Of all our golden dreams.
  I love to tell the story,
      It did so much for me;
  And that is just the reason
      I tell it now to thee.

I love to tell the story;
    'Tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it,
    More wonderfully sweet.
  I love to tell the story,
      For some have never heard
  The message of salvation
      From God's own
          holy Word.

I love to tell the story,
    For those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting
    To hear it like the rest.
  And when, in scenes of glory,
      I sing the new, new song,
'Twill be the old, old story
      That I have loved so long.
1866 Arabella Katherine Hankey 1834-1911

Tune: [7676D+7776]:
I Love to Tell the Story
    (William G Fischer 1835-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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