Rho dy ŵyneb gyda'th gennad, Arglwydd gweision yr holl fyd; Boed ei feddwl ar dy gariad, Boed dy air yn llenwi'i fryd; Rho d'arweiniad Iddo ef a'r praidd ynghyd. Heb dy allu bydd yn egwan, Heb d'oleuni, crwydro bydd; Iddo rho dy gyngor cyfan, Gad i'r seiliau ddod yn rhydd; Iesu'i hunan Fyddo'i destun nos a dydd. Cadw'i olwg ar Galfaria A'i deimladau 'ngwres y groes; Gad i'w feddwl dawel wledda Ar haeddiannau marwol loes: Dweud am noddfa Fyddo pleser penna'i oes.G Pennar Griffiths (Penar) 1860-1918
Tonau [878747]: |
Give thy face with thy emissary, Lord of the servants of the whole world; May his thought be on thy love, May thy word fill his mind; Give thy leading To him and the flock together. Without thy power he will be weak, Without thy light, he will wander; To him give thy complete counsel, Let the seals come free; Jesus himself Be his theme night and day. Keep his gaze on Calvary And his feelings in the warmth of the cross; Let his quiet thoughts feast On the merits of the throes of death; To speak about refuge Be the chief pleasure of his life.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |