Rho imi, nefol Dad, Yr Ysbryd Glān yn awr, Wrth geisio cofio'r gwerth a gaed Yng ngwaed ein Iesu mawr. Gad imi weld y wawr A dorrai ar ei loes, A'r heddwch a gofleidiai'r byd Yn angau drud y Groes. Ei gwpan Ef, mor llawn A chwerw ar ei fin, A droes, yn rhin ei gariad mawr, I mi yn awr yn win.J Tywi Jones 1870-1948
Tonau [MB 6686]:
Give to me, heavenly Father, The Holy Spirit now, While trying to remember the worth which flowed In the blood of our great Jesus. Let me see the dawn Which broke on his anguish, And the peace which enfolded the world In the costly death of the Cross. His own cup, so full And bitter to its rim, Which turned, by virtue of his great love, For me now into wine.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |