Rho nerth i ddwyn y groes

(Ymdrech â gelynion, a siriol fuddugoliaeth.)
  Rho nerth i ddwyn y groes,
  Tra paro dyddiau f'oes;
Na âd im' ddigaloni mwy,
  Wrth wel'd gelynion lu,
  A'u saethau'n aml y sy;
O cuddia fi o fewn dy glwy.

  Angenus wyf o hyd,
  Mewn trallodedig fyd;
Ac nid oes fythol ddim i'w gael,
  Gyflawna'm heisiau i gyd,
  A'm càna oll yngyd,
Ond haeddiant drud
    fy Iesu hael.

  'Rwy'n nesu at yr awr
  I gael fy nhòri lawr,
A'm dodi i orwedd lle bu Ef:
  Lle i orphwys yno fydd,
  Hyd oni ddelo'r dydd
Daw Iesu ar
    gymylau'r nef.
Grawn-Syppiau Canaan ?1795

Tonau [668D]:
  Addoliad (<1835)
Amsterdam (Darmstädter Gesangbuch)
Bryncynlais (<1897)
Dalston (Aaron Williams 1731-76)
  New Market (<1835)

gwelir: Plant caethion Babilon

(Struggling with enemies, and cheerful victory.)
  Give strength to carry the cross,
  While the days of my lifespan endure;
Do not let me be disheartened any more,
  On seeing a host of enemies,
  And their darts which are frequent;
O hide me within thy wound!

  Needy I am always,
  In a troubled world;
And there is nothing everlasting to be got,
  That fulfills all my needs,
  And bleaches me altogether,
But the precious merit
    of my generous Jesus.

  I am approaching the hour
  To get cut down,
And to be put to lie where He was:
  A place to rest shall be there,
  Only until the day come
When Jesus shall come on
    the clouds of heaven.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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