Rhof fawrglod iti fy Nuw Iôn

(Salm CXXXVIII. 1-3,8. - Mawl Am fendithion ysprydol.)
Rhof fawrglod iti, fy Nuw Iôn,
  O ddyfnder calon canaf;
Ac yngŵydd holl
    angelion nef,
  A'm goslef, y'th foliannaf.

Ymgrymaf tua'th sanctaidd dŷ,
  Dan ganu o'th drugaredd:
A'th enw mawr, uwchlaw pob peth,
  A'th air, difeth wirionedd.

Y dydd y galwais arnat ti,
  Gwrandawaist fi yn fuan;
Yno y nerthaiat,
    â chref blaid,
  Fy enaid i oedd egwan.

Yr Arglwydd a gyflawna â mi:
  Duw, dy ddaioni rhagllaw,
Ac yn dragywydd, imi dod:
  Na wrthod waith dy ddwylaw.
Ac yng ngŵydd holl angelion :: Yngwydd holl angelion y
goslef :: hoslef

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Dyfroedd Siloa (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
Salem (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Suffolk (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-75)

(Psalm 138:1-3,8. - Praise for spiritual blessings.)
I will render praise to thee, my Lord God,
  From the depths of a heart I shall sing;
And in the face of all
    the angels of heaven,
  With my voice I shall extol thee.

I will bow towards thy holy house,
  While singing of thy mercy:
And thy great name, above everything,
  And thy word, of unfailing truth.

By day I called upon thee,
  Thou didst hear me soon;
Then thou didst strengthen,
    with strong help,
  My soul which was weak.

The Lord will satisfy me:
  God, thy goodness beforehand,
And in eternity, to me give:
  Do not reject the work of thy hands.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
1 With my whole heart, my God and King,
    thy praise I will proclaim;
  Before the gods
      with joy I'll sing,
    and bless thy holy name

2 I'll worship at thy sacred seat;
    and, with thy love inspired,
  The praises of thy truth repeat,
    o'er all thy works admired.

3 Thou graciously inclin'dst thine ear,
    when I to thee did cry;
  And, when my soul
      was pressed with fear,
    didst inward strength supply.

8 The Lord, whose mercies ever last,
    shall fix my happy state;
  And, mindful of his favours past,
    shall his own work complete.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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