Rhois weddi ar yr Arglwydd nef

1-2,3,7;  1-2-3,4-5,6-7.
1 Rhois weddi ar yr Arglwydd nef;
    Yn llym fy llef ymbiliais:
2 A'm holl fyfyrdod ger ei fron
    O'm calon y tywelltais.

3 Ond pan fynegais it' fy nghur,
    A'm dolur o'm meddyliau;
  Da gwyddit ti bob ffordd, a'r man,
    Y rhoisan' i mi faglau.

4 O'r tu deau nid oedd i' neb,
    Trown f'wyneb, a'm hadwaenai:
  Na nawdd, na neb, o du'n y byd,
    Fy mywyd a 'mgeleddai.

5 Arnad llefais, wrthyt d'wedais,
    Duw, ti a ydwyd union:
  Fy nghwbl obaith wyt ti yn wir,
    A'm rhan yn nhir y bywion.

6 O ystyr, Arglwydd, faint fy nghri;
    Wyf mewn trueni digllon:
  Rhag fy erlidwŷr gwared fi;
    Mae'r rheini yn rhŷ gryfion.

7 O garchar caeth, fy enaid tynn,
    Dy enw am hyn a folaf:
  Pan weler dy fod ar fy rhan,
    Y cyfion twysgan attaf.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Mesur [MS 8787]
Tôn [MSD 8787D]: Jewin Street <1835

Psalm 142
1 I gave my prayer to the Lord of heaven;
    With my sharp cry I pleaded:
2 And my whole meditation before him
    From my heart I poured.

3 But when I expressed to thee my ache,
    And my ailment from my thoughts;
  Well wouldst thou know every way, and the place,
    They set snares for me.

4 From the right side I had no-one,
    I would turn my face, who would know me:
  Nor refuge, nor anyone, beside in the world,
    Who would succour my life.

5 To thee I cried, to thee I said,
    God, thou who art upright:
  My whole hope art thou truly,
    And my portion in the land of the living.

6 O consider, Lord, the extent of my cry;
    I am in bitter misery:
  From my pursuers deliver me;
    They are too strong.

7 From a prison of captivity, draw my soul,
    Thy name for this I will praise:
  When it is seen thou art on my side,
    The righteous will gather to me.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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