Rhowch fawl i'n Harglwydd glân

(Salm xcviii)
Rhowch fawl i'n Harglwydd glân
  Mewn newydd gân hyd nef;
Gorchfygodd ei elynion llym
  A grym deheulaw gref.

Hysbysu i ni a wnaeth
  Ei iachawdwriaeth fawr:
Dadguddiodd ei gyfiawnder pur
I euog deulu'r llawr.

Fe gofia'i ammod hedd
  Ei hen drugaredd wiw;
Caiff holl genedloedd daear gaeth
Wel'd iachawdwriaeth Duw.

Cydgenwch fawl cytûn
  Ar delyn felus dant,
A moeswch salm ar lafar lef
  I'w ganmol Ef - y Sant.

Cyduned tònau'r môr
  Eu mawl i'n Ior o hyd,
A rhoed y ddaear fawr
    a'i phlant
  Ogoniant iddo i gyd.

Llifeiriaint oddi draw
  Ddyrchafo'u dwylaw'n hy',
Adseinied clod yn uchel floedd
  O'r holl fynyddoedd fry, -

O flaen Jehofa sy'
  Yn d'od i farnu'r byd;
Efe a esyd gyfiawn raith
  Yn ol eu gwaith i gyd.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Augustine / Awstin (J S Bach 1685-1750)
Carlisle (Charles Lockhart c.1745-1815)

(Psalm 48)
Render praise to our holy Lord
  In a new song unto heaven
He vanquished his keen enemies
  With the force of his strong right hand.

He made known to us
  His great salvation:
He revealed his pure righteousness
  To the guilty family of earth.

He will remember his term of peace
  His old worthy mercy;
All the nations of the earth may get
  To see God's salvation.

Let us render praise together in unison
  On a harp of sweet chord,
And offer a psalm with a vocal cry
  To commend him - the Saint.

Let the waves of the sea join in unison
  Their praise to our Master continually,
And let the great earth
    and its children all
  Give glory to him.

Torrents from afar
  Shall lift their hands boldly,
Let praise resound in a loud shout
  From all the mountains above, -

Before Jehovah who
  Is coming to judge the world;
He will issue a wise decree
  After all their work.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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