Rhown foliant o'r mwyaf I Dduw y Goruchaf Am roi'i Fab anwylaf yn blentyn i Fair, I gymryd ein natur A'n dyled a'n dolur I'n gwared o'n gwewyr anniwair. Fe gymerth ein natur, Fe'n gwnaeth iddo'n frodyr, Fe ddygodd ein dolur gan oddef yn dost; Fe wnaeth heddwch rhyngom A'i Dad a ddigiasom, Fe lwyr dalodd drosom y fawrgost. Yn ddyn fe ddiodddefwys, Yn Dduw fe orchfygwys, Yn Geidwad fe gadwys Ein henaid rhag llid; Fe dalodd ein dyled, Adferodd ein colled, Ni chawn ni mwy glwywed o'n gofid. Fe'n gwnaeth ni, blant dynion, Yn ferched, yn feibion, I'w Dad yn 'tifeddion o'r deyrnas sydd fry, I fyw yn ei feddiant Mewn nefol ogoniant Er mawrglod a moliant i'r Iesu. Gwahoddwch y tlodion A'r clwyfus a'r cleifion A'r gweiniaid a'r gweddwon â chroeso i'ch gwledd; O barch i'r Mesïas A'n dwg ni i'w deyrnas I gadw gŵyl addas heb ddiwedd. Cyd-dramwy i'r temlau, Cydanu pêr salmau, Ymddiddan am wyrthiau A doniau Duw'r Gair, A ddylem yn flysig Ar ddyddiau'r Nadolig, A'u cadw'n barchedig heb anair.Rhys Pritchard 1579?-1644
Tonau [6665.6663]: |
Let us render praise of the loudest To God the Most High For giving his dearest Son as a child to Mary, To take our nature And our debt and our sickness To deliver us from our corrupt throes. He took our nature, He made us his brothers, He bore our sickness by enduring bitterly; He made peace between us And his Father whom we had angered, He entirely paid for us the great-cost. As man he suffered, As God he overcame, As a Saviour he saved Our souls from wrath; He paid our debt, He restored our loss, We may not hear any more of our grief. He made us, children of men, Into daughters, into sons, To his Father as heirs of the kingdom which is above, To live as his possession In a heavenly glory To the exaltation and praise of Jesus. Invite the poor And the wounded and the sick And the weak and the widows with a welcome to your feast; Out of reverence to the Messiah who brings us into his kingdom To keep a fitting feast without end. Travelling together to the temples, Singing together sweet psalms, Chatting about the miracles And gifts of God the Word, We should be desirous On the days of Christmas, To keep them revered without ill report.tr. 2008,19 Richard B Gillion |
Rejoice in the story of God in all glory who gave us, through Mary, Christ Jesus his Son; to take on our being, our debt for wrongdoing, and offer to all his salvation. As Man Jesus suffered, as God Jesus conquered, as Saviour he purchased our souls from death's sting; he paid for our error, restored us to favour, to bring to an end all our worrying. He made us mere mortals God's sons and his daughters, eternal dwellers of heaven above; to live in his presence in glorious brilliance, to praise the Redeemer for his love. Bring poor and the needy, the hurt and the poorly, the weak and the lonely to feast and to sing; Praise be to the Saviour who brings us God's favour to worship with joy everlasting.tr. Delyth Wyn Davies used by kind permission of the author |