Rhwng Pih(ah)iroth a Baalsephon

(Israel yn yr anialwch)
Rhwng Pih'iroth a Baalsephon,
  Tra f'wy' byw
      mi gofia'r lle,
Mewn cyfyngder eitha' caled,
  Gwaeddodd f'enaid tua'r ne';
    Yn ddioed, dyma'n dod,
  Waredigaeth fwya' 'rioed.

Aros ronyn (barwyd i mi,)
  Ti gai weled cyn prydnawn,
Fyrdd yn soddi yn y dyfnfor,
  O elynion creulon iawn;
    Maes o law, gwynfyd ddaw,
  Ti gai ganu'r ochr draw.

Dacw'r gelyn ebe f'Arglwydd,
  Ganwaith faeddodd
      d'enaid gwan,
'Nawr yn methu gan y tònau,
  Godi ei wyneb dig i'r làn;
    Tyr'd y'mlaen, dechreu'th gân,
  Dy holl elynion boddi wnan.

Y mae dyfroedd Mara yn chwerw,
  Fyth i'w hyfed ddydd a nos,
Iesu gwyddost ti beth ydyw
  Dwyn y bwysig boenus groes;
    Rho i mi wir, gariad pur,
  Ffrwythau peraidd Canaan dir.

O gwna i mi brofi sypiau,
  Sypiau peraidd rawn y wlad,
Blas maddeuant pur a heddwch,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd
      tŷ fy Nhad,
    Dyma hwy, perlau mwy,
  Gloddiwyd yn ei farwol glwy.

            - - - - -

Rhwng Pih'iroth a Baalsephon,
  Tra f'wy' byw
      mi gofia'r lle,
Mewn cyfyngder eitha' caled,
  Gwaeddodd f'enaid tua'r ne';
    Yn ddioed, dyma'n dod,
  Yr ymwared mwya' erio'd.

Weithiau dyru ei ragluniaeth,
  Weithiau rhydd ei hyfryd ras,
I fy ngwarchod a fy nghadw,
  Rhag fy chwantau ffiaidd cas;
    Boed fy nghan iddo yn lân,
  Pan el daear fawr ar dân.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787337]: Dolfor (alaw Gymreig)

  Iesu nid oes ond dy allu
  Tyred Arglwydd ar amseroedd
  Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloeddTyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd

(Israel in the Desert)
Between Pihahiroth and Baalzephon,
  While ever I am living
      I will remember the place,
In straits most extremely hard,
  My soul shouted towards heaven;
    Without delay, here is coming,
  The greatest deliverance ever.

Wait a little (I was caused,)
  Thou wilt get to see before afternoon,
A myriad sinking in the deep sea,
  Of very cruel enemies;
    Soon, bliss will come,
  Thou wilt get to sing on yonder side.

Yonder is the enemy, said my Lord,
  Who a hundred times
      wallopped thy weak soul,
Now failing with the waves,
  Lifting his angry face up;
    Come on, begin the song!
  All thy enemies drown they do.

The waters of Marah are bitter,
  Never to be drunk, day or night,
Jesus thou knowest what it is
  To bear the heavy, painful cross;
    Give me true, pure love,
  The sweet fruits of Canaan land.

O make me experience clusters,
  The sweet grape-clusters of the land,
The taste of pure forgiveness and peace,
  The delightful feasts
      of my Father's house,
    Here they are, greater pearls,
  Buried in his mortal wounds.

               - - - - -

Between Pihahiroth and Baalzephon,
  While ever I am living
      I will remember the place,
In straits most extremely hard,
  My soul shouted towards heaven;
    Without delay, here is coming,
  The greatest deliverance ever.

Sometimes he will give his providence,
  Sometimes grant his delightful grace,
To deliver me and preserve me,
  From my hated, detestable lusts;
    Let my song be purely to him,
  When the great earth goes on fire.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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