Rhyfeddol ac aneirif yw

1,2,3,4a,5;  1,2,4b.
Secsagesima - Prydnawnol Weddi
Rhyfeddol ac aneirif yw,
Dy drugareddau Di, O Dduw!
  Fel tywod ŷnt o ran eu rhif,
  O ran eu lawnder megys llif.

Dy hael ddaioni dirfawr Di,
O Dduw y nef, a ddaw i ni:
  Rhown ninnau glod i'th enw glân,
  A'th ddoniau cu a fydd ein cân.

Ym mhob rhyw gyflwr, claf neu iach,
Tra byddom byw
    dros amser bach,
  Gwas'naethwn Di, ein nefol Dad,
  Gan iawn ddefnyddio'th roddion rhad.

Deffrown yn nhragwyddoldeb draw
Ar foreu llon, -
    mae'r wawr ger llaw! -
  I wel'd dy wyneb, nefol Ion,
  A'th foli Di
      ar felus dôn,

[Gad in' yn nhragwyddoldeb draw,
 Y bore llon,
     (mae'r wawr gerllaw!)
   Gael gwel'd dy wyneb, nefol Ion,
   A'th foli byth
       ar beraid dôn.]

Dyrchafwn trwy'r uchelder maith
Dy foliant fyth mewn nefol iaith,
  Gan seinio, gyda'r seintiau fry,
  Ar dannau aur, i'th enw cu.
ŷnt :: 'ynt

Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
Cas. o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Canon (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)
Telyn Dafydd (J Daniell)

gwelir: Dy hael ddaioni dirfawr Di

Sexagesima - Evening Prayer
Amazing and innumerable are,
Thy mercies, O God!
  Like sand they are as to their number,
  As for their fullness, like the flood.

Thy immense, generous goodness,
O God of heaven, will come to us;
  Let us render praise to thy holy name,
  And thy dear gifts shall be our song.

In every kind of condition, ill or well,
While ever we are living
    for a little while,
  We shall serve Thee, our heavenly Father,
  While rightly using thy gracious gifts.

We shall awake in yonder eternity
On a cheerful morning, -
    the dawn is at hand! -
  To see thy face, heavenly Master,
  And praise thee forever
      with a sweet tune.

[Let us in eternity yonder,
 On the cheerful morning,
    (the dawn is at hand!)
   Get to see thy face, heavenly Master,
   And praise thee forever
       with a sweet tune.]

Let us raise throughout the vast height
Thy praise forever in a heavenly language,
  While sounding, with the saints above,
  On strings of gold, to thy dear name.

tr. 2011,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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