Rhyfeddol fawredd cariad Duw

1,2,3,6;  1,3,4,5,6.
(Am gariad Duw)
Rhyfeddol fawredd cariad Duw
  Yn Nghrist tu ag at y byd;
Rhyfeddol oedd, rhyfeddol yw,
  Rhyfeddol fydd o hyd.

Ymhlith holl ryfeddodau'r nef,
  Hwn yw y mwyaf un,
Gwel'd yr anfeidrol Ddwyfol Fôd
  Yn gwisgo natur dyn.

Pan oeddym ni yn weiniaid wael,
  Dan bechod cas i gyd:
Tros yr annuwiol llawn o fai,
  Bu farw Crist mewn pryd.

Y pelledigion dyg yn nes,
  Rhyddhaodd y rhai caeth;
Sicrhau i feirwon Eden hen
  Dragywddol fywyd wnaeth.

O caned holl angelion nef,
  A chaned yr holl saint,
A doed y pechaduriaid mawr
  I ganu am y fraint.

Rhy fychain doniau peraidd llon,
  Nef fry a daear lawr;
Rhy fyrion oesoedd bythol fyd,
  I draethu gras mor fawr.
1,3-6: Hymnau Newyddion, &c. (Morris Davies)
2 : William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
  Israel (<1835)

  Messiah gaed daeth ini'n Frawd
  Yn mhlith holl ryfeddodau'r nef

(About the love of God)
Wonderful greatness of the love of God
  In Christ towards the world;
Wonderful it was, wonderful it is,
  Wonderful it will be always.

Amongst all the wonders of heaven,
  This is the greatest one,
To see the infinite Divine Being
  Wearing the nature of man.

When we were poor servants,
  All under detestable sin:
For the ungodly full of fault,
  Christ died in time.

The distant he will bring near,
  He freed the captive ones;
Secure for the dead of old Eden
  Eternal life he did.

O let all the angels of heaven sing,
  And let all the saints sing,
And let the great singers come
  To sing about the privilege.

Too small sweet, cheerful gifts,
  Of heaven above and earth below;
Too short ages of an eternal world,
  To expound grace so great.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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