Rhyfeddol weithredoedd trugaredd Sef prif brïodoledd ein Duw; Trugaredd a garodd dros fesur Bechadur llwyr ammhur ei ryw: Trugaredd o'i blaid sydd yn eiriol, Trugaredd anfeidrol sydd fwyn, Pan lefo, yn ngolwg ei waeledd, Fe wrendy Trugaredd ei gŵyn. Mae achos o syndod annrhaethol Yn ngariad arfaethol nef wèn; Doethineb a gallu tra'wyddol A ddug y gwaith bywiol i ben; Trugaredd i'r eiddil bechadur Rydd gysur yn ngwyneb ei gâs; Gogoiant trag'wyddol i'r Iesu Am drefnu cyfamod o ras! Mab Duw yn dragwyddol a folir, Pan gywir edrychir y drefn; Er ini drwm gwympo drwy bechu, Gwnaeth ffordd i'n derchafu drachefn: Oedd cyfraith ufudd-dod gweithredol O fewn i'r Iôr oesol yn reddf; Ei angau wnaeth iawn i gyfiawnder, Heddychodd holl ddigder y ddeddf. Mae'r Iesu yn llawn trugarogrwydd, Ond llawn o gyndynrwydd yw dyn; Heb weled dim niwaid mewn pechod A chanfod drwg waelod ei wŷn; Ond cymhell mae'r Iesu bendigaid Y ffordd i bob enaid gael byw: Ynfydrwydd yw gwrthod y cynnyd - Mae'n dda fod i'n Feddyg yn fyw. Mae'n dost fod un dyn yn boddloni I ddilyn trueni trwy oes; Heb gyfran yn haeddiant rhinweddol, Effeithiol waed grasol y groes; Heb ddilyn yn lân ordinhadau, A chyson gordiadau gair Duw; Ac ymbil am yspryd mwy sanctaidd A thymher nefolaidd i fyw! Mae'r Gair o ysprydol ddoethineb Yn dangos tiriondeb Duw Tri; Dad-guddiwyd, amlygwyd y Logos Yn gâr, a dyn agos i ni: Gan hynny dadganed pob genau Ei fawl ar fin borau'n fwyn bêr, Dangoswn yn ffrwyth ein hufudd-dod Ein bod yn adnabod Duw Nêr. Ystyria di'r eiddil bechadur A gwêl fod yn gysur it' gael Dy Brynwr yn Arglwydd y Bywyd, Yn Dduw a dyn hefyd, - dawn hael: Ond ydyw dibrisio ei gyfammod Yn ormod o bechod a bâr; Gogoniant i Brynwr mor drion, A llwydd i bob calon a'i câr. I ganu mawl Iesu'n ei lysoedd Try Daear a Nefoedd yn un; Angylion a dynion - pob doniau, Chwareuant eu tannau'n gyttûn; Ac yno y'nghôr Seilo - Ynghaersalem, Dad-ganant yr Anthem i'r Oen; Dechreuad llwenydd di-ddarfod, A ffarwel i bechod a'i boen. Dymuner hir heddwch i Seion, A llwydd i Genadon y Nef: I ennill at Dduw ei elynion, Ac arwain ei ddofion Braidd ef: A'r rhai sydd yn goddef caethiwed Yn rhyddion Duw rhodded y rhai'n; Dychweler drwy'r Byd yn gymmodol, Y Cleddyf niweidiol i'r wain.
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822 |
The wonderful actions of mercy That is, the chief attribute of our God; Mercy which loved above measure A sinner of a completely impure kind: Mercy which intercedes on his behalf, Immeasurable mercy which is gentle, When he cries, in the face of his misery, Mercy will hear his complaint. It is a cause of unutterable surprise In the purposeful love of bright heaven; Wisdom which can eternally Bring the lively work to fulfilment; Mercy for the feeble sinner Gives comfort in the face of his enemy; Glory eternal to Jesus For arranging a covenant of grace! The Son of God eternally is to be praised, When truly the arrangement is to be seen; For us who fell heavily through sinning, He made a way for us lift us up again: The law of active obedience was Within the eternal Lord innately; His death made satisfaction to righteousness, He pacified all the wrath of the statute. Jesus is full of mercifulness But full of stubbornness is man; Without seeing any harm in sin And finding evil the basis of his pain; But compelling is blessed Jesus The way for every soul to get to live: It is madness to refuse the offer - It is good that our Physician is living. He is sore that one man is satisfied To follow misery throughout an age; Without a share in a virtuous, effective Merit of the gracious blood of the cross; Without following wholly the ordinances And constant accords of the word of God; And entreaty for a spirit more holy And heavenly temper to live! The Word of spiritual wisdom is Showing the tenderness of the God of Three; The Word was disclosed, made evident As a kinsman, and a man near to us: Therefore let every mouth declare His praise at the crack of dawn sweetly-sounding, Let us show in the fruit of our obedience That we know God the Lord. Consider, thou feeble sinner And see that it is a comfort for thee to get Thy Redeemer as the Lord of Life, As God and man also, - a generous gift: But disregarding his covenant is Too much of a sin to continue; Glory to a Redeemer so tender, And prosperity to every heart that loves him. To sing the praise of Jesus in his courts Turns Earth and Heaven into one; Angels and men - all gifts, They shall play their strings in harmony; And there in the choir of Shiloh - in Jerusalem, They shall sing out the Anthem to the Lamb; The beginning of undying joy, And a farewell to sin and its pain. Peace to Zion is long to be desired, And success to the Emissaries of Heaven: To win to God his enemies, And lead his tame Flock: And those who are enduring captivity Free may God set them; Throughout the world with reconciliation, Let the injurious sword be returned to the sheath. tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |