Rhyfeddwn gariad mawr

(Cariad Crist)
Rhyfeddwn gariad mawr,
  Gwaredwr dynolryw,
Yn rho'i ei fywyd pur i lawr,
  Er mwyn i ni gael byw!
O'i fodd, daeth inni'n Frawd, -
  Gadawai'r nef a'i bri,
Ac ymddanghosodd yn y cnawd,
  I farw drosom ni!

Cydganed daear lawr,
  Ei felys foliant Ef;
Mae ffordd agored ini'n awr,
  Drwy haeddiant Crist, i'r nef;
Cawn yno fythol oes,
  Y'mhlith y saint diri!
I foli'r Iesu aeth i'r groes,
  I farw drosom ni!
Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tôn [MBD 6686D]:
Tŷ fy Nhad (Isaac B Woodbury 1819-58)

(The Love of Christ)
We wonder at the great love
  Of the Deliverer of humankind,
Laying down his pure life,
  In order that we might get to live!
Voluntarily, he came to be our Brother, -
  He left heaven and his honour,
And appeared in the flesh,
  To die for us!

Let the earth below unite in singing,
  His sweet praise;
The way is opened to us now,
  Through the merits of Christ, to heaven;
There we may have an eternal age,
  Amongst the countless saints!
To praise Jesus who went to the cross,
  To die for us!
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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