'Rwy' bron a hollol lwfrhâu
'Rwyf bron 'rwyf bron a llwfrhau

(Cwyn credadyn
dan deimlad o'i lesgedd)
'Rwy' bron a hollol lwfrhâu,
Wrth wel'd grasusau yn llesghau,
A'm temtasiyneu yn parhau,
  Yn danllyd yn y bla'n;
Doed hyfryd awel
     sanctaidd dir,
Tan aden dawel yspryd gwir,
Disgyned arnai cyn bo hir,
  I ddiffod grym y tân.

Rwy'n blino eisiau gwel'd y wlad,
Roed i mi mewn addewid rad,
A phrofi cyflawn wir fwynhad,
  O sypiau'r Ganaan wiw;
Awn tros fynyddau mawrion maith,
A'r bryniau mwyaf ar fy nhaith,
Heb flîno dim na gorphwys 'chwaith,
  Nes awn i dŷ fy Nuw.

Rhaid i mi gael rhyw faint o'r grawn,
Sy'n werthfawr ac yn felus iawn,
Yn tarddu o'r winwydden lawn,
  A wasgwyd ar y groes;
Does dim a ddeil
    fy yspryd gwan,
I ddringo'r creigiau serth i'r lan,
Nes i mi deimlo a phrofi rhan
  O haeddiant dwyfol loes.

'Rwy yma'n byw mewn tîr o wae,
Lle mae pob dim i'm llwfrhâu,
A themtasiynau yn parhau,
  Fel rhyw angerddol dân:
O attal fy ngelynion cas,
Fy unig noddfa yw dy ras,
Ond im' gael profi
    ei nefol flas,
  Dy ogoniant fydd fy nghân.
'Rwy' bron a hollol lwfrhâu ::        
        'Rwyf bron, 'rwyf bron a llwfrhau
Doed hyfryd awel :: O! dowch, awelon
Disgyned arnai :: Disgynwch arnaf
I ddiffod grym y tân :: Diffoddwch uffern dân

William Williams 1717-91
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

Tonau [8886D]:
Darowain (alaw Gymreig)
Llanddewi (Gesangbuch Walther)

Wel dyma'r cariad sydd yn awr
  'Rwy'n blino eisiau gweld y wlad

(The complaint of a believer
under the feeling of his faintness)
I am almost completely loosing heart,
On seeing graces weakening,
And my temptations continuing,
  Fiery ahead;
Let the delightful breeze
    of a holy land come,
Under the quiet wing of a true spirit,
Let it descend upon me before long,
  To extinguish the force of the fire.

I am weary of wanting to see the land,
Given to me in a gracious promise,
And tp taste a full true enjoyment,
  Of the clusters of worthy Canaan;
I would go across large, vast mountains,
And the greatest hills on my journey,
Without getting weary or resting either,
  Until I would go to my Father's house.

I must get some quantity of the grain,
Which is precious and very sweet,
Issuing from the full vine,
  Which was pressed on the cross;
There is nothing which holds
    my weak spirit,
To climb up the steep rocks,
Until I feel and experience a portion
  Of the merit of divine anguish.

I am here living in a land of woe,
Where everything is disheartening me,
And temptations persisting,
  Like some undying fire:
O stop my detestable enemies,
My only refuge is thy grace,
But for me to get to experience
    its heavenly taste,
  Thy glory shall be my song.
I am almost completely loosing heart ::        
        I am almost, I am almost loosing heart
Let the delightful breeze ... come :: O come, ye breezes
Let it descend upon me :: Descend ye upon me
To extinguish the force of the fire :: Extinguish ye hell fire

tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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