Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu (Darllenaf hwn o hyd)

I love to tell the story (Of unseen things above)

Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,
  Darllenaf hwn o hyd,
Mae'i hanes Ef a'i gariad,
  Yn dwyn fy serch a'm bryd;
'Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,
  Mi wn ei fod yn wir,
Yn wir sydd yn fy nghynal
  I deithio'r anial dir.

    Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,
      Nis gallaf beidio'i garu,
    Rhoes Ef ei hun i'm prynu,
      O! rhyfedd gariad rhad!

Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,
  Mae'n mynd yn well o hyd,
Ei hanes yn y nefoedd,
  A'i hanes yn y byd;
Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,
  Wnaeth gymaint drosof fi
Am hyn nis gallaf beidio
  Ei adrodd wrthych chwi.

Rwy'n caru hanes Iesu,

  Fel pawb o deulu'r ffydd:

Yn goleu'i hanes anwyl,

  Mae'r nos yn roi yn ddydd:

'Rwy'n dysgwyl cael myn'd adref

  Yn ei oleuni Ef,

I ganu am ei gariad

  Mewn hwyl yn nef y nef.

cyf. John Rees (Ioan Rhys)
Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897

Tôn [7676D+7776]: I Love to Tell the Story
    (William G Fischer 1835-1912)

gwelir: 'Rwy'n caru dweud yr hanes

I love the story of Jesus,
  I read that always,
The story of Him and his love is
  Drawing my affection and my attention;
I love the story of Jesus,
  I know that it is true,
Truly it is supporting me
  To travel the desert land.

    I love the story of Jesus,
      I cannot stop loving it,
    He gave himself to redeem me,
      O wonderful, free love!

I love the story of Jesus,
  It gets better all the time,
His story in the heavens,
  And his story in the world;
I love the story of Jesus,
  Who did so much for me
Therefore I cannot stop
  Telling it to you.

I love the story of Jesus,

  Like all of the family of the faith:

In the light of his dear story,

  The night is turning into day:

I am expecting to get to go home

  In His light

To sing about him love

  In tune in the heaven of heaven.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
I love to tell the story
    Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
    Of Jesus and His love.
  I love to tell the story,
      Because I know 'tis true;
  It satisfies my longings
      As nothing else can do.

        I love to tell the story,
        'Twill be my theme in glory,
        To tell the old, old story
          Of Jesus and His love.

I love to tell the story;
    More wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies
    Of all our golden dreams.
  I love to tell the story,
      It did so much for me;
  And that is just the reason
      I tell it now to thee.

I love to tell the story;
    'Tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it,
    More wonderfully sweet.
  I love to tell the story,
      For some have never heard
  The message of salvation
      From God's own holy Word.

I love to tell the story,
    For those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting
    To hear it like the rest.
  And when, in scenes of glory,
      I sing the new, new song,
'Twill be the old, old story
      That I have loved so long.
1866 Arabella Katherine Hankey 1834-1911

Tune: [7676D+7776]:
I Love to Tell the Story
    (William G Fischer 1835-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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