'Rwy'n cofio gair fy Iesu mawr

(Efe a rydd i chwi Ddiddanydd arall)
'Rwy'n cofio gair fy Iesu mawr,
Y deu'r Diddanydd attat i lawr.
  Na chawn i farw y dristwch mwy:
O Dduw cyflawn'th air i ben,
Rho im' arweinydd is y nen,
  Dangoso'r ffordd iachao 'nghlwy'.

O danfon im' 'r Diddanydd pur,
Y golofn dan mewn anial dir,
  Sy'n ledio'r praidd o'r hyd i'r nef:
Yr hwn a'i oleu perffaith sydd
Yn gwnenthur nos yn ganol dydd,
  Fy holl ddiddanwch ydyw ef.

Mae'th drugareddau maith eu rhin,
Yn do'd i lawr fel melus win, -
  O oes i oes heb drangc heb drai:
Dy gariad sy'n anfeidrol 'stor,
Yn gyflawn berffaith fel y mor,
  Ac yn drag'wyddol yn parhau.

Wel, f'enaid cerdd y ffordd yn hŷ,
Yn union tua Sion fry,
  A chadw 'th lygaid at y nod:
Calfaria fryn, lle gweli'r groes,
A'i haberth arni dan ei loes,
  Rhyfeddod mwya'r nef erio'd.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 888D]

  A raid i gystudd garw'r groes
  Mi deithiais ran o'r anial maith
  O'r Graig y mae'n dylifo maes

(He will give you another Comforter)
I am remembering the word of my great Jesus,
The Comforter will come down to you.
  May I not get death of the sadness any more:  
O God fulfil thy word,
Give me a guide under the sky,
  Who will show the way that will heal my wound.

O send me the pure Comforter,
The pillar of fire in a desert land,
  Which is leading the flock along to heaven:
He who with his perfect light is
Making night into midday,
  My whole comfort is he.

Thy mercies of vast virtue are
Coming down like sweet wine, -
  From age to age without dying, without ebbing:
Thy love which is an infinite store,
Fulfilling perfectly like the sea,
  And eternally enduring.

See, my soul, walk the way boldly,
Straight towards Zion above,
  And keep thy eye on the goal:
Calvary hill, where thou seest the cross,
And his sacrifice upon it under his anguish,
  The greatest ever wonder of heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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