'Rwy'n dewis d'air i mi o hyd

(Dewis y Gair)
'Rwy'n dewis d'air i mi o hyd
O flaen pob golud fedd y byd;
  Ni fu, nid oes, ac fyth ni chair,
  Drysorau fel trysorau'r gair.

O! arwain fi â'th air heb goll
Nes elwyf o'r anialwch oll,
  Tu draw i'r byd a'i boen yn mhell,
  I'th weled byth wrth lewyrch gwell.
i mi o hyd :: fy Nuw, o hyd,
pob golud fedd y :: trysorau goreu'r
Drysorau :: Trysorau
trysorau'r gair :: trysorau D'Air
arwain fi :: arwain ni
elwyf :: elom
a'i boen yn mhell :: ac angau mhell

Thomas William 1761-1844
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

Tôn [MH 8888]: Duke Street (John Hatton ?-1793)

gwelir: Dyma gyfarfod hyfryd iawn

(Chosing the Word)
I am choosing thy word for me always
Before every wealth the world possesses;
  There was not, is not, and will not be found,
  Treasures like the treasures of the world.

Oh lead me with thy word without loss
Until I go completely from the desert,
  Beyond the world and its pain far,
  To see thee forever with better radiance.
for me still :: my God, always,
every wealth the world possesses :: the best treasures of the world
the treasures of the word :: the treasures of thy word
lead me :: lead us
I go :: we go
and its pain far :: and death far

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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