'Rwy'n gallu canu ambell dro

(Testun Cân)
'Rwy'n gallu canu ambell dro
Pan ddel gruddfanau'r
    ardd i'm co',
  Mae'i angeu Ef yn tro fy nghri
  Yn gân yn ngolwg Calfari.

Ar fynydd Seion, O! na bawn,
Mi ganwn yno foliant llawn;
  'Rwy'n canu peth
      y fan lle'r wy',
  Pan elwy' i'r nef mi ganaf fwy.

Os îs fy nghân na'r seintiau sy
Yn seinio'r freiniol anthem fry;
  Ein testyn hyfryd sydd yn un,
  Sef dwyfol goncwest
      Mab y dyn.

Ar fyr caf wel'd f'anwylyd cu
A'i foli gyda'r nefol lu;
  Yn nghwmni'r saint
      a'r engyl glân,
  Lle na bydd diwedd ar fy nghân.
foliant llawn :: glod yn iawn

Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen & Jones) 1868
1: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Elisey (<1876)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Winchester (B Crasselius 1650-90)

  Pechadur wyf da gwyr fy Nuw

(The Theme of Song)
I am able to sing many a time
When the groans of the
    garden come to my memory,
  His death is turning my cry
  Into a song in the sight of Calvary.

On mount Zion, O that I may be,
I would sing there full praise;
  I am singing somewhat
      in the place where I am,
  When I go to heaven I will sing more.

If lower my song than the saints who are
Sounding the royal anthem above;
  Our delightful theme is the same,
  That is, the diveine conquest
      of the Son of man.

Shortly I will get to see my dear Beloved
And praise him with the heavenly host;
  In the company of the saints
      and the holy angels,
  Where there shall be no end to my song.
full praise :: praise fully

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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