'Rwy'n troi fy ŵyneb Iesu da

'Rwy'n troi fy #373;yneb, Iesu da,
  O bobman atat ti,
Ym merw blin
    y byd a'i bla
  Dy wedd sy'n hedd i mi;
Ni chefais, naddo, mewn un man
  Un balm i'm calon drist
Nac enw swyna f'enaid gwan
  Ond enw Iesu Grist.

'Rwyt ti i mi yn gadarn dŵr
  Ym merw mawr y byd;
Cyfnewid mae meddyliau gŵr,
  Tydi sy'r un o hyd;
Dan bwysau
    cynyrfiadau'r oes
  Fe sudda f'egwan ffydd,
Ond yng nghadernid Crist a'i groes
  Fy iachawdwriaeth sydd.
J Tywi Jones 1870-1948

Tôn [MCD 8686D]:
    Ellacombe (Gesang Würtemburg 1784)

I am turning my face, good Jesus,
  From everywhere to thee,
In the grievous seething of
    the world and its plague
  Thy countenance is peace to me;
I never got in any place
  One balm for my sad heart
Nor name that charms my weak soul
  But the name of Jesus Christ.

Thou art to me a firm tower
  In the great seething of the world;
Changeable are the thoughts of man,
  Thou art the same always;
Under the pressure of
    the upheavals of the age
  My weak soul sinks,
But in the firmness of Christ and his cross
  Is my salvation.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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