Safed yr haul, safed yn lān, Uwchben Gibeon, fel o'r bla'n, I Israel Duw gael goleu mwy I ymladd ā'u gelynion hwy. 'Does gwanach milwr yn y byd Nā mi'n y fyddin fawr i gyd; Cryf yw'm gelynion, gwan yw'm gras, Heb oleu'r Haul mi golla'r ma'es. O aros, haul! heb fyn'd i lawr, Aros uwchben y fyddin fawr, Aros, tra etifeddion gras Yn ymladd ar y gwaedlyd fa's.Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
Let the sun stand, let it stand completely, Above Gibeon, like before, For the Israel of God to get more light To attack their enemies! There is no weaker soldier in the world Than I in all the great army; Strong are my enemies, weak is my grace, Without the light of the Sun I shall lose the field. O stop, Sun, without going down! Stop above the great army! Stop, while the heirs of grace Fight on the the bloody field!tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |